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[Csnd] envlpxr

Date2010-05-31 11:17
FromStefan Thomas
Subject[Csnd] envlpxr
Dear community,
I have a question concerning the envlpxr opcode.
What could be the advantage over linsegr or expsegr?
In which case do You consider the envlpxr opcode more useful?

Date2010-06-05 06:19
FromJim Aikin
Subject[Csnd] Re: envlpxr
I've never used envlpx or envlpxr, but since no one else has answered this
question, I'll take a vague stab at it.

The most obvious example might be if you have one instrument generating a
process that writes data to a function table. The rise shape of the envelope
generated by envlpx would depend on the data that's in the table at the time
when a new note starts, so the envelope shape could change during the course
of the piece.

Also, there are some GEN routines that create tables that would not be
convenient to create using linseg or expseg. As an extreme case, you could
use an audio waveform for envelope rise, which might produce some sort of
amplitude modulation noise burst at the beginning of an envelope.

--Jim Aikin

kontrapunktstefan wrote:
> Dear community,
> I have a question concerning the envlpxr opcode.
> What could be the advantage over linsegr or expsegr?
> In which case do You consider the envlpxr opcode more useful?