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[Csnd] tonal/noise separation like with sms

Date2010-05-24 10:47
Fromkind beta
Subject[Csnd] tonal/noise separation like with sms

is there a good way to separate the tonal/noise parts of a signal in csound?
something like sms?


Date2010-05-24 10:52
FromPeiman Khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: tonal/noise separation like with sms
Take a look at the ATS opcodes. 


On 24 May 2010, at 10:47, kind beta wrote:


is there a good way to separate the tonal/noise parts of a signal in csound?
something like sms?


Date2010-05-24 20:44
Fromben hackbarth
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: tonal/noise separation like with sms
you may also wish to look at the loris opcodes, as they permit
independent amplitude scaling of noise and pitched components of a
loris-format SDIF analysis.

however, to my ears, no algorithm that i've heard comes close to the
fidelity of SMS pitch/residual separation -- especially the earlier
versions, before the open source release (CLAM).

—  ben

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Peiman Khosravi
> Take a look at the ATS opcodes.
> P
> On 24 May 2010, at 10:47, kind beta wrote:
> hello,
> is there a good way to separate the tonal/noise parts of a signal in csound?
> something like sms?
> klaus

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