| It would be great to see that.
Personally, I think CSound has a lot to offer in the mobile world. It's
still early days, and not so easy to get going on the Android platforms. I
expect iOS is easier, just because there is less fragmentation, but
nevertheless a real challenge.
Any tips are certainly welcome on all platforms. For example, what is the
minimum OS version, what hardware needs which sample rates and csoptions
settings to avoid snap crackle and pop. Different opcodes have different cpu
usage, some work great, some exhibit strange behaviours (the sound font
player slowly goes out of tune when playing a long composition on Android
2.3.nn and 4.0.nn) others can be too demanding on the little cpu. There is a
lot to cover. Also, it might be best served by a community, as I do not
expect a single person to have access to so many hardware and software (OS)
A showcase would help CSound and developers alike: a place for CSound to
show what is being done, and what is possible, and also a place for
developers to showcase their work, a win-win situation.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Yi"
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Csnd] List of Csound android apps?
>I think It would be nice if there was an iOS and Android page on
> csounds.com that had some info about using Csound to build apps, as
> well as a "showcase" kind of thing that listed apps.
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Roger Kelly
> wrote:
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=aorch.monodotlite&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImFvcmNoLm1vbm9kb3RsaXRlIl0.
>> (update coming soon).
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=aorch.microdrum#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwiYW9yY2gubWljcm9kcnVtIl0.
>> My two apps on Google Play ;)
>> On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:47 PM, John Colgrove
>> wrote:
>>> I was just curious how many Csound android applications existed as I
>>> want
>>> to
>>> try a few out now that I have a tablet. How logical would it be to
>>> compile
>>> a
>>> list of csound android apps? I for one am interested in knowing how many
>>> csound based applications there are versus supercollider or puredata.
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/List-of-Csound-android-apps-tp5717375.html
>>> Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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