> Not being an RT environment (does being a Java API have anything to do
> with that?), it has its advantages. For instance, instruments could be
> created that actually bring physics back in physical modeling, like
> Tao, a C++ app I've mentioned before that does exclusively that.
> jMusic is an open source project lacking in ugens. It can be found at
> http://explodingart.com/jmusic/
hi Adam again.
yes i've used jmusic some years ago. It's very easy to generate midi phrases and such, never tried anything else than midi. I found it when looking for some genetic algorithm music implementations. There is a ga coded into jmusic, but it's not actually documented, only javadoc, so it was bit of a guesswork, when i used the fitness part in a simulated annealing music generation code.
the jmusic-list is nowadays pretty dead, few messages in a year only, probably jmusic is not maintained any longer. But it works, csound and jmusic are just two different animals. ยจ
"Grep less", sed tee uniq cat