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[Csnd] [OT] jMusic

Date2012-10-10 18:26
FromAdam Puckett
Subject[Csnd] [OT] jMusic
Hey list,

Has anyone heard of a music API written in Java called jMusic? I've
just started getting back into Java programming and am re-learning
Java from jMusic, just like I learned C from the Csound codebase. I
must warn the list that jMusic is not nearly as impressive nor as
extensive as Csound is, however. But it is very simple to write music
in (it even comes with builtin notes and phrases).

Not being an RT environment (does being a Java API have anything to do
with that?), it has its advantages. For instance, instruments could be
created that actually bring physics back in physical modeling, like
Tao, a C++ app I've mentioned before that does exclusively that.

jMusic is an open source project lacking in ugens. It can be found at

Date2012-10-10 20:07
FromMatti Koskinen
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [OT] jMusic
> Not being an RT environment (does being a Java API have anything to do
> with that?), it has its advantages. For instance, instruments could be
> created that actually bring physics back in physical modeling, like
> Tao, a C++ app I've mentioned before that does exclusively that.
> jMusic is an open source project lacking in ugens. It can be found at
> http://explodingart.com/jmusic/

hi Adam again.

yes i've used jmusic some years ago. It's very easy to generate midi phrases and such, never tried anything else than midi. I found it when looking for some genetic algorithm music implementations.  There is  a ga coded into jmusic, but it's not actually documented, only javadoc, so it was bit of a guesswork, when i used the fitness part in a simulated annealing music generation code.

the jmusic-list is nowadays pretty dead, few messages in a year only, probably jmusic is not maintained any longer. But it works, csound and jmusic are just two different animals. ยจ


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