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[Csnd] fluidEngine not on Android?

Date2012-10-16 18:00
From"Jacques Leplat"
Subject[Csnd] fluidEngine not on Android?
I just ran a csd on Android, with "-z1" in the CsOptions to see what opcodes are there (by running an app in debug mode, and looking at the log window).
It doesn't look like fluidEngine is in there. So is there no chance of using soundfonts on Android? :-(
All the best,

Date2012-10-16 18:20
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] fluidEngine not on Android?
Hi Jacques,

Currently, opcodes outside of the main libcsound are not included with
Android. That mostly addresses all opcodes that have 3rd party
dependencies (like fluidsynth).  That said, we have determined that
opcode library loading is possible on Android.  If fluidsynth could be
compiled for Android and then fluid opcodes could likely be added.  We
have not yet looked at this.

Also, we need to determine how opcode libs might be packaged with the
CsoundAndroid Eclipse project.  One possibility is to have something
like res/raw/armeabi and res/raw/armeabi-v7a folders for the
differently compiled libs, and setting OPCODEDIR to one of those at
runtime.  We'd also have to determine if the app is being run on armv7
or not.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Jacques Leplat  wrote:
> Hello,
> I just ran a csd on Android, with "-z1" in the CsOptions to see what opcodes
> are there (by running an app in debug mode, and looking at the log window).
> It doesn't look like fluidEngine is in there. So is there no chance of using
> soundfonts on Android? :-(
> All the best,
> Jacques

Date2012-10-16 18:42
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd] fluidEngine not on Android?
I only started looking into the Csound on Android last week but
already I'm very impressed with how easy it is to develop Android
apps. Looks to me like Csound is already one of the most versatile
audio libraries on Android. If, of should I say when the facility to
dynamically alter the signal graph comes along I think it will blow
all other libs out of the water. Who knows, some day perhaps we'll see
job posts for people with Csound programming experience.