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[Csnd] gen01 formats on Linux - what do I choose for 24 bit sample files

Date2018-03-31 20:11
FromPrent Rodgers
Subject[Csnd] gen01 formats on Linux - what do I choose for 24 bit sample files
I've been using Csound on Windows for decades, and I just recently switched to Ubuntu Linux.

I initially used Csound 6.4, and was successful. That's the version that Ubuntu distributes. 

Today I built 6.11 from source. Now all my input files are failing with mismatch of sample files. loscil thinks they are mono, but in fact they are 24-bit stereo samples.

     instr 1: stereo loscil cannot read from mono ftable
I read them in with gen01:

f646 0 0 1 "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav" 0 4 0

I suspect that the 4 in 0 4 0 tells gen01 to read  16-bit short integers, and gets confused by the 24-bit stereo sample file. Can I change that 4 to another number to tell gen01 that the sample files are 24-bit?

and play them with loscil

a3,a4 loscil 1, .228, 646, 24.498, 0  

It reports: "stereo loscil cannot read from mono ftable"

I know they are 24-bit samples, because sndinfo tells me they are:

csound -U sndinfo "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav"
reports the following
 0dBFS level = 32768.0
 --Csound version 6.11 (double samples) Mar 31 2018 
 [commit: 19078d1cacc3ad93a722287db2a4533d7114162e]
 util sndinfo:
 samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav:
 srate 48000, stereo, 24 bit WAV, 19.152 seconds
(919296 sample frames)

What is strange is that the files worked perfectly on Ubuntu in csound 6.4, and only started to fail with csound 6.11 (I did not try all those in between).

Here's a limited test file:

-o test.wav -W -G -m2 -3 
 sr = 44100 
 ksmps = 2; 
 nchnls = 2 
 instr 1 
  ;           amp 
  ;           |  freqency
  ;           |  |     ifn - function table number
  ;           |  |     |    base frequency of sample
  ;           |  |     |    |       no looping
  ;           |  |     |    |       | 
 a3,a4 loscil 1, .228, 646, 24.498, 0  
 outs a3, a4

;    time
;    | size
;    | | gen01
;    | | |  source soundfile name
;    | | |  |                                skiptime
;    | | |  |                                | format 4 = 16-bit short integers
;    | | |  |                                | | 0 read in all channels
f646 0 0 1 "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav" 0 4 0
;  format information on the sample file:
;  csound -U sndinfo "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav"
;  0dBFS level = 32768.0
;  --Csound version 6.11 (double samples) Mar 31 2018 
;  [commit: 19078d1cacc3ad93a722287db2a4533d7114162e]
;  libsndfile-1.0.25
;  util sndinfo:
;  samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav:
;	srate 48000, stereo, 24 bit WAV, 19.152 seconds
;	(919296 sample frames)

i1 0 10

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Date2018-03-31 20:35
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] gen01 formats on Linux - what do I choose for 24 bit sample files
Use 0 instead of 4 and it should work.

Victor Lazzarini
Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy
Maynooth University

> On 31 Mar 2018, at 20:12, Prent Rodgers  wrote:
> I've been using Csound on Windows for decades, and I just recently switched to Ubuntu Linux.
> I initially used Csound 6.4, and was successful. That's the version that Ubuntu distributes. 
> Today I built 6.11 from source. Now all my input files are failing with mismatch of sample files. loscil thinks they are mono, but in fact they are 24-bit stereo samples.
>     instr 1: stereo loscil cannot read from mono ftable
> I read them in with gen01:
> f646 0 0 1 "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav" 0 4 0
> I suspect that the 4 in 0 4 0 tells gen01 to read  16-bit short integers, and gets confused by the 24-bit stereo sample file. Can I change that 4 to another number to tell gen01 that the sample files are 24-bit?
> and play them with loscil
> a3,a4 loscil 1, .228, 646, 24.498, 0  
> It reports: "stereo loscil cannot read from mono ftable"
> I know they are 24-bit samples, because sndinfo tells me they are:
> csound -U sndinfo "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav"
> reports the following
> 0dBFS level = 32768.0
> --Csound version 6.11 (double samples) Mar 31 2018 
> [commit: 19078d1cacc3ad93a722287db2a4533d7114162e]
> libsndfile-1.0.25
> util sndinfo:
> samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav:
> srate 48000, stereo, 24 bit WAV, 19.152 seconds
> (919296 sample frames)
> What is strange is that the files worked perfectly on Ubuntu in csound 6.4, and only started to fail with csound 6.11 (I did not try all those in between).
> Here's a limited test file:
> -o test.wav -W -G -m2 -3 
> sr = 44100 
> ksmps = 2; 
> nchnls = 2 
> instr 1 
>  ;           amp 
>  ;           |  freqency
>  ;           |  |     ifn - function table number
>  ;           |  |     |    base frequency of sample
>  ;           |  |     |    |       no looping
>  ;           |  |     |    |       | 
> a3,a4 loscil 1, .228, 646, 24.498, 0  
> outs a3, a4
> endin 
> ;    time
> ;    | size
> ;    | | gen01
> ;    | | |  source soundfile name
> ;    | | |  |                                skiptime
> ;    | | |  |                                | format 4 = 16-bit short integers
> ;    | | |  |                                | | 0 read in all channels
> f646 0 0 1 "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav" 0 4 0
> ; 
> ;  format information on the sample file:
> ;  csound -U sndinfo "samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav"
> ;  0dBFS level = 32768.0
> ;  --Csound version 6.11 (double samples) Mar 31 2018 
> ;  [commit: 19078d1cacc3ad93a722287db2a4533d7114162e]
> ;  libsndfile-1.0.25
> ;  util sndinfo:
> ;  samples/Bosendor/47 emp G3-.wav:
> ;    srate 48000, stereo, 24 bit WAV, 19.152 seconds
> ;    (919296 sample frames)
> i1 0 10
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
> Send bugs reports to
>        https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

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