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[Csnd] My favourite csound instrument

Date2013-11-28 19:29
FromAnton Kholomiov
Subject[Csnd] My favourite csound instrument
In the todays thread I saw a very cool instrument

there is a nice Wobble Bass by Jacob Joaquin here:

Posted by francesco

I often find it hard to start from the blank page
in Csound and I can only get really harsh sounds
so I often about to give up on Csound.

Can we share the instruments we like most in Csound?
Let's post a link or attach a csd to our best instruments
in this thread. We can make a fan-based gallery of
cool instruments. 


Date2013-11-29 17:37
Subject[Csnd] Re: My favourite csound instrument
Hello Anton,
i guess this is a really hard question. Speaking for myself i can say that
i ended up with really simple instruments that i use via a Lua script
score event, let's say in a "traditional way":)
When i need something more complex i build (well at least i try to) a
csd that rarely i will reuse. Maybe some part of the code.
And i find inspiration on many examples out there, starting from manual
that i rewrite for better understand something. The Code Hope by Joaquin,
the collection 
by Mccurdy, FLOSS manual examples, code posted here on the mailing list, and
many others, 
from Csound Book, etc.

Anyway here are 2 
simple instruments i used:

this is a copy of the same instrument in CsoundAC.csd by Mr. Gogins, so it's 
a copyright infringement:) and i have not hide the instrument name ...

instr 1 ; PluckedStringGogins

iattack = 0.0015
isustain = p3 + 0.75
irelease = 0.03
p3 = iattack + isustain + irelease
adamping linsegr 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iHz = cpsmidinn(p5)
iamplitude = p4
atranseg transeg 1.0, p3, -9.0, 0.1
awgpluck2 wgpluck2 0.3, 1.0, iHz, 0.25, 0.1
aout = awgpluck2 * atranseg * adamping * iamplitude
ipan = p6
aL, aR pan2 aout, ipan
outs aL, aR

and this is one way i use chebyshevpoly but often parameters are 
changed by a script

schedule "WS", 0, 60, 0.1, 52, rnd(1)
schedule "WS", 0, 60, 0.1, 52.151, rnd(1)
schedule "WS", 0, 60, 0.1, 52.125, rnd(1)

instr WS

ifn ftgen 0, 0, 2048, 10, 1
iattack = 0.0015
isustain = p3
irelease = 0.03
p3 = iattack + isustain + irelease
adamping linsegr 0.0, iattack, 1.0, isustain, 1.0, irelease, 0.0
iHz = cpsmidinn(p5)
iamplitude = p4
kenv linseg 0, p3*0.1, 1, p3*0.7, 1, p3*0.2, 0

aSine1 poscil kenv, iHz, ifn
aSine2 poscil kenv, iHz*0.75, ifn

iStep1 linrand 1
iStep2 linrand 1
iStep3 linrand 1
iStep4 linrand 1
iStep5 linrand 1
iStep6 linrand 1

k1 init 0.875
k2 linseg -0.9, p3*iStep1, 0.9, 0, 0.9
k3 linseg -0.9, p3*iStep2, 0.8, 0, 0.8
k4 linseg 0.9, p3*iStep3, -0.7, 0, -0.7
k5 linseg 0.9, p3*iStep4, -0.6, 0, -0.6
k6 linseg -0.9, p3*iStep5, 0.5, 0, 0.5
k7 linseg -0.5, p3*iStep6, 0.5, 0, 0.5

aout1 chebyshevpoly aSine1, 0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7
aout2 chebyshevpoly aSine2, 0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7
aout = (aout1+aout2)*iamplitude*adamping*0.5
aL, aR pan2 aout, p6
outs aL, aR

Often i put reverbsc on the global output.


View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/My-favourite-csound-instrument-tp5730295p5730341.html
Sent from the Csound - General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Date2013-11-29 19:59
Fromjoachim heintz
SubjectRe: [Csnd] My favourite csound instrument
i think having a place for sharing instruments is something many people 
would love to see.

my first thought is csounds.com: is there already something like this 
available on this community site?

if not, would chris or anyone else be willing to put it on csounds.com?


Am 28.11.2013 20:29, schrieb Anton Kholomiov:
> In the todays thread I saw a very cool instrument
> there is a nice Wobble Bass by Jacob Joaquin here:
> http://codehop.com/2011/07/
> Posted by francesco
> I often find it hard to start from the blank page
> in Csound and I can only get really harsh sounds
> so I often about to give up on Csound.
> Can we share the instruments we like most in Csound?
> Let's post a link or attach a csd to our best instruments
> in this thread. We can make a fan-based gallery of
> cool instruments.
> Anton