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Re: [Csnd] [OT] PHD Study (UK)

Date2013-11-25 00:34
From"Partev Barr Sarkissian"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [OT] PHD Study (UK)

Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University (QMUL) 
in the Mile End part of London. One of my goals is to get into 
their Media Arts Technology (Masters program), then into their 
Centre for Digital Music (Phd program),.... one of these eons. 
It's headed by Mark Plumbley and Mark Sandler (met them both a 
few times), and their Senior Lecturer is Josh Reiss (whom I've 
come to know over the years). All three are great guys who are 
really into this stuff, and C4DM puts out some excellent work. 

There was a recent AES conference on sound field control at the 
University of Surrey in Guilford this past September. Might be 
worth checking out their programs in these disciplines. 

You might also want to check out CCRMA at Standford University, 
CA. They have Marina Bosi there. She and Karlheinz Brandenburg 
pretty much wrote the book on surround and MPEG related stnadards. 
They used to be at DTS, Inc (Digital Theater Systems). I've read 
and studied most of their AES papers on the subject. Damn good. 


--- dcamelville@gmail.com wrote:

From: Dominic Melville 
To: "csound@lists.bath.ac.uk" 
Subject: [Csnd] [OT] PHD Study (UK)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:14:43 +0000

Good afternoon all,

Off topic, but Csound related query for the list.

I'm looking to start a phd, most likely to commence at the start of
the 2014 academic year, and was curious to know if any of the UK list
members had any suggestions or recommendations on where would be good
places to approach. My main area of study, and what I'd be intending
to  focus  on  for a phd, is surround sound, spatialisation and
ambisonics for live performance uses.

Do any of you know of a university that already does a lot of work in
this area or anywhere that has academic staff members who are also
interested or actively working in this field?

My apologies for the off topic nature of the message, but I'm sure
you can see the relation and intention of asking.

Thank you and have a great weekend.


Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.

Date2013-11-25 04:35
FromDominic Melville
Subject[Csnd] Re: [OT] PHD Study (UK)
Thanks for that. Some very interesting work being carried out there indeed. So many interesting programmes around these days. 



On Monday, November 25, 2013, Partev Barr Sarkissian wrote:


Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University (QMUL)
in the Mile End part of London. One of my goals is to get into
their Media Arts Technology (Masters program), then into their
Centre for Digital Music (Phd program),.... one of these eons.
It's headed by Mark Plumbley and Mark Sandler (met them both a
few times), and their Senior Lecturer is Josh Reiss (whom I've
come to know over the years). All three are great guys who are
really into this stuff, and C4DM puts out some excellent work.

There was a recent AES conference on sound field control at the
University of Surrey in Guilford this past September. Might be
worth checking out their programs in these disciplines.

You might also want to check out CCRMA at Standford University,
CA. They have Marina Bosi there. She and Karlheinz Brandenburg
pretty much wrote the book on surround and MPEG related stnadards.
They used to be at DTS, Inc (Digital Theater Systems). I've read
and studied most of their AES papers on the subject. Damn good.


--- dcamelville@gmail.com wrote:

From: Dominic Melville <dcamelville@gmail.com>
To: "csound@lists.bath.ac.uk" <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
Subject: [Csnd] [OT] PHD Study (UK)
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:14:43 +0000

Good afternoon all,

Off topic, but Csound related query for the list.

I'm looking to start a phd, most likely to commence at the start of
the 2014 academic year, and was curious to know if any of the UK list
members had any suggestions or recommendations on where would be good
places to approach. My main area of study, and what I'd be intending
to  focus  on  for a phd, is surround sound, spatialisation and
ambisonics for live performance uses.

Do any of you know of a university that already does a lot of work in
this area or anywhere that has academic staff members who are also
interested or actively working in this field?

My apologies for the off topic nature of the message, but I'm sure
you can see the relation and intention of asking.

Thank you and have a great weekend.


Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.

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