| I am playing around with adsynth.
Some times I only hear a click at the start of the sound, and at the end.
Here's some code:
def set_tables(t1, buf1, t2, buf2):
cs.TableCopyIn(t1, buf1)
cs.TableCopyIn(t2, buf2)
def fillbuf(buf, *args):
lizt = list(args)
for i,li in enumerate(lizt):
buf[i] = li
fillbuf(freqs, 1, 2.01, 3.04, 5.06, 7.03, 11.03, 13.03)
fillbuf(amps, .01,.09,.01,.09,.09,.01,.09) # changing these amplitudes
sometimes gives a click
set_tables(2, freqs, 3, amps)
cs.ReadScore('i 2 0 4')
instrument 2 is defined as:
instr 2
asig adsynt .4, 440, giwave, gifrqs, giamps, gicnt
out asig
When changing the amplitudes, sometimes I get this click, so once at the
start and one 4 seconds later.
It probably has to do with amplitudes out of range or so, because when I
lower a partials amplitude, I get normal sound again. But the strange thing,
when I raise the amplitude to what it was with the click, I still get normal
sound, no click!
View this message in context: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/adsynth-strange-behavior-tp5729361.html
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