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[Csnd] table issue

Date2013-11-24 16:09
FromPablo Frank
Subject[Csnd] table issue

The table:
"kfreq table kndx,1,0"    (*) see in the instr 1 below
already reads a normalized table: f1 0 1025 7 .5 1024 1,  (goes from .5 to 1) so why the table above (*) must have a "1"  instead of "0" in xmode? (with '0' in xmode the pitch does not go up, but remains at 400*.5)



-odac -iadc -d ;;;RT audio I/O




sr = 44100

kr = 4410

ksmps = 10

nchnls = 1


instr 1


kndx line 0, p3, 1


kfreq table kndx,1, 0 ;(*) REMARK: THE TABLE IS *NOT* NORMALIZED, THERE IS '0' IN THE 3RD PLACE.


a1 oscil 20000, 400*kfreq, 2 ;THE FREQUENCY SHOULD GO FROM  400*.5 TO 400*1, ACCORDING TO THE

;TABLE IN f1,****BUT IT REMAINS IN 400*.5*********

out a1







; Table #1, a line from .5 to 1

f 1 0 1025 7 .5 1024 1 ;*****NORMALIZED******

; Table #2, a sine wave.

f 2 0 16384 10 1


; Play Instrument #1 for 2 seconds.

i 1 0 2






Date2013-11-25 15:09
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] table issue
Hi Pablo,

I didn't try, but you have two issues here I see:

1. your use of line is going from 0 to 1
2. your use of table is using raw index instead of normalized.

Essentially you're reading from index 0 the whole time because your
table call is using index type 0.  Try changing that to 1.


On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Pablo Frank  wrote:
> The table:
> "kfreq table kndx,1,0"    (*) see in the instr 1 below
> already reads a normalized table: f1 0 1025 7 .5 1024 1,  (goes from .5 to
> 1) so why the table above (*) must have a "1"  instead of "0" in xmode?
> (with '0' in xmode the pitch does not go up, but remains at 400*.5)
> -odac -iadc -d ;;;RT audio I/O
> sr = 44100
> kr = 4410
> ksmps = 10
> nchnls = 1
> instr 1
> kndx line 0, p3, 1
> kfreq table kndx,1, 0 ;(*) REMARK: THE TABLE IS *NOT* NORMALIZED, THERE IS
> a1 oscil 20000, 400*kfreq, 2 ;THE FREQUENCY SHOULD GO FROM  400*.5 TO 400*1,
> ;TABLE IN f1,****BUT IT REMAINS IN 400*.5*********
> out a1
> endin
> ; Table #1, a line from .5 to 1
> f 1 0 1025 7 .5 1024 1 ;*****NORMALIZED******
> ; Table #2, a sine wave.
> f 2 0 16384 10 1
> ; Play Instrument #1 for 2 seconds.
> i 1 0 2
> e