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[Csnd] Re: csound api (from python) - can I mix realtime events with a .csd generated on the fly?

Date2008-01-20 19:48
Subject[Csnd] Re: csound api (from python) - can I mix realtime events with a .csd generated on the fly?
I think BPM is a preprocessor thing, so realtime events would not
be affected by it.

After exportForPerformance(), you should be able to set
a thread and Play().

The main difference is that perform() does it in the main thread and
the other spawns a performance thread.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cesare Marilungo" 
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 7:26 PM
Subject: [Csnd] csound api (from python) - can I mix realtime events with a 
.csd generated on the fly?

> I'm a bit confused.
> I can build a string with my xml csd, pass it to csnd.setOrchestra and 
> then use exportForPerformance() and perform().
> Or I can use Compile(filename), use CsoundPerformanceThread() and Play() 
> it. With this solution I can also pass events in realtime with 
> InputMessage (called on the performanceThread pointer).
> But what if I want to do both?
> Also, is it normal that when I pass events with InputMessage the event is 
> always generated at the time specified in the i statement - ignoring the 
> bpm setting specified with a t statement in my score file?
> Thanks in advance,
> -c.
> -- 
> www.cesaremarilungo.com
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe 
> csound" 

Date2008-01-20 21:53
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: csound api (from python) - can I mix realtime events with a .csd generated on the fly?
Victor && Michael,

thank you both for the clarifications. That's all the info I was looking 

I also found that I needed to pass the file names for .orc and .sco in 
my csound command. I guess they're needed for exportForPerfomance() to 
know how to name the files it writes.

I was using InputMessage() to populate my score with some notes 
beforehand (before calling Play() on the performance thread), but now I 
thought that I can also extract the score with csound.getScore(), add my 
notes with addScoreLine() or addNote() and then call exportForPerformance().

Realtime events are executed immediately if p2 == 0 and after n seconds 
with p2 = n, regardless of the 't' statement - which makes sense if it 
is a preprocessor thing.

Thanks again,

- c.

victor wrote:
> I think BPM is a preprocessor thing, so realtime events would not
> be affected by it.
> After exportForPerformance(), you should be able to set
> a thread and Play().
> The main difference is that perform() does it in the main thread and
> the other spawns a performance thread.
> Victor
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Cesare Marilungo" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 7:26 PM
> Subject: [Csnd] csound api (from python) - can I mix realtime events 
> with a .csd generated on the fly?
>> I'm a bit confused.
>> I can build a string with my xml csd, pass it to csnd.setOrchestra 
>> and then use exportForPerformance() and perform().
>> Or I can use Compile(filename), use CsoundPerformanceThread() and 
>> Play() it. With this solution I can also pass events in realtime with 
>> InputMessage (called on the performanceThread pointer).
>> But what if I want to do both?
>> Also, is it normal that when I pass events with InputMessage the 
>> event is always generated at the time specified in the i statement - 
>> ignoring the bpm setting specified with a t statement in my score file?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> -c.
>> -- 
>> www.cesaremarilungo.com
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
>> "unsubscribe csound" 
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
> "unsubscribe csound"
