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[Csnd] A New Beginning: Check Out *The New cSounds.com*

Date2008-01-01 18:09
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
Subject[Csnd] A New Beginning: Check Out *The New cSounds.com*

Happy New Year cSounders!

Thanks to the incredible initiative, talent, dedication and expertise of our brilliant new administrator - Cesare Marilungo,
over the next few weeks and months, you will enjoy a new look, a new organization, and *many, many, many* new features, resources and developments at cSounds.com!

[+] Check it Out:  http://csounds.com

We are working now to re-organize and update all the previous content and add much much more.

[+] Help us: If you find something is broken or missing - email Cesare or me.

cesare@poeticstudios.com or rboulanger@berklee.edu

[+] Join us:

Login.  Create an Account. Post your Csound instruments and music! You will be able to blog, post, host and share your Csound instruments, music, utilities, scripts and more.... right here on the site itself.

[+] Share your ideas: 

What would you like to see?  What would you like to be able to do?  What are you looking for?

[+] Manage a Project or a Forum @ cSounds.com:

Now YOU can maintain a project and/or administer forums.  To do so, you should create an 
account on the website and then send us an email so that we can upgrade your account permissions
and give you administrator access.

[+] Something Very New for 2008:

We will be hosting and featuring the free resources an Activities of the One Laptop Per Child - OLPCsound - Community of developers and users - Activities, Applications, Samples, MIDIfiles, and more - from and for the Children of the World!

[+]  We need and want your feedback, ideas, involvement, and help:

As the reach of Csound grows through you and your work and the OLPCsound initiative, in 2008, cSounds.com will become a more active place to meet, correspond, collaborate and share. Your input, suggestions and feedback will be more important than ever. Help us make this online resource even more useful, helpful, and inviting.

[+]  Thank You:

For sharing, caring, asking, suggesting, explaining, teaching, and making the world a better place - through Csound.

[+]  Hope:

Wishing you all a very productive, creative and Happy New Year,

Dr. B.

PS:  Over the years... cSounds.com has evolved and grown through the time, help, advice from some amazingly wonderful and generous people: John ffitch, Jacob Joaquin, Young Choi, Juno Kang, Hans Mikelson, Steven Yi, Matt Ingalls, Greg Thompson and David Akbari

Date2008-01-03 15:57
FromDave Phillips
Subject[Csnd] Csound resources for Linux users

Although I've temporarily suspended my maintenance of the Linux sound & 
music apps site I decided to update this page:


All links have been verified as of 1/1/08. Cesare will eventually 
integrate its contents with the updated csounds.com, but in the 
meanwhile you can check it out at its original location.


