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[Csnd] Re: Re: pvs oscillator collection? (potentially "hello Victor" again..)

Date2008-01-24 10:34
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: pvs oscillator collection? (potentially "hello Victor" again..)
I am not sure how to use pvsanal to take single frames. Richard Dobson
might now how to do it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Mortimer" 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: pvs oscillator collection? (potentially "hello Victor" 

> Sorry, try again:
> My question is:
> if im simply wishing to fft analyse a single "oscillation" of a wave (that
> is for convenience say 2048 samples long...) can i perform a valid &
> accurate fft analysis using 2048 bins that is 1 frame in length, & save 
> this
> single frame as a .pvx file to use?
> if so, what analysis settings would best enable this (no overlaps etc?)
> i then suggested that this process might in fact be somehow synonymous 
> with
> the whole idea & modus operandi of gen30, in as far as it would enable
> alaising of "pointy" waveshapes to be avoided, & relies on fft analysis of
> the sample/ oscillator to achieve this end...
> that's why i went on to ask about how gen30 achieves this avoidance of
> nyquist foldover post analysis, if the input shape was prone to produce 
> some
> sort of foldover in the first place (ie if you gen30 something that
> essentially looks like an impulse, aren't you just getting out an fft
> analysis that includes any potential nyquist reflections?
> hope that's clearer...
> Victor.Lazzarini wrote:
>> Not sure what your question is really?
>> pvsosc is a very simple thing: it creates frames with harmonics
>> according to a certain shape.
>> You could I suppose generate various waveshapes by combining
>> its pulse-wave output with pvsmaska.
>> Victor
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Tim Mortimer" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 5:02 AM
>> Subject: [Csnd] pvs oscillator collection? (potentially "hello Victor"
>> again..)
>>> How much data are the oscillators in pvsosc based upon, & if i wanted to
>>> shoot some .pvx analysis files of oscillator shapes of my own (that were
>>> say
>>> simple cycles of 1024 or 512 or 2048 samples in length) what would be 
>>> the
>>> simplest & best way to do that - can i capture all the info 
>>> theoretically
>>> in
>>> "a single frame" & save it to .pvx?
>>> percieved advantages:
>>> * no nyquist issues on oscillator based synthesis (as the GEN30
>>> "workaround"
>>> is based on an FFT analysis anyway...)
>>> * further pvx processing possibilities / merger of synthesis & sample
>>> resynthesis
>>> * effectively makes concurrent fsig oscillator signal streams "phase
>>> syncronous" if being reproduced under the same parameter conditions
>>> (overlap, bin count etc...) ??? (Victor? Anyone?)
>>> percieved disadvantages:
>>> may result in a less "pure" or representative synthesis on large
>>> transposition values of the signal upward or downward (which would have
>>> to
>>> use pvsscale assumedly...)
>>> has anyone gone down this route at all using pvx to achieve phase
>>> syncrous
>>> concurrent signals for crossfadeing ?
>>> as far as FM goes, i could always do it & then create an fsig stream
>>> based
>>> on it using pvsanal
>>> the whole reason for the desire to pre-analyse the others oscillators is
>>> to
>>> avoid nyquist flippage on (hopefully phase synceable, & hence
>>> crossfadeable..) square-like wave shapes...
>>> but then assumedly any nyquist defying square shape will also pollute 
>>> any
>>> subsequent fft analysis?
>>> but then how does gen30 "solve the problem"?
>>> please help me understand!
>>> many thanks...
>>> -- 
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/pvs-oscillator-collection--%28potentially-%22hello-Victor%22-again..%29-tp15058819p15058819.html
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> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/pvs-oscillator-collection--%28potentially-%22hello-Victor%22-again..%29-tp15058819p15061935.html
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