csound -odac2
rtaudio defaults to portaudio, so you don't need to
use it. If you
want to specify, then it's "rtpa" or "pa", but not
"pa2". The device
number is always specified after "dac".
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 3:31
Subject: [Csnd] Portaudio interface
Dear list,
I am having trouble selecting my new firebox
interface for real time use. when i use the following
csound -+rtaudio=pa -odac "simpletest.csd"
.... .... Creating pin 1: Not
source/sink Filter NOT created Device 2 has capture alias Interface
2, Name: PreSonus FIREBOX Mic/Inst 1/2 .....
..... PortAudio:
available output devices: 0: Microsoft Sound Mapper -
Output 1: YAMAHA AC-XG WDM Audio 2: PreSonus
FIREBOX Out Main 1/2 3: PreSonus FIREBOX Out
3/4 4: PreSonus FIREBOX Out 5/6 5: PreSonus
FIREBOX Spdif Out L/R 6: Primary Sound Driver
7: YAMAHA AC-XG WDM Audio 8: PreSonus FIREBOX Out Main
1/2 9: PreSonus FIREBOX Out 3/4 10: PreSonus FIREBOX
Out 5/6 11: PreSonus FIREBOX Spdif Out L/R 12: PreSonus
ASIO Driver (FireBox) 13: PreSonus FIREBOX Out Main 1/2
14: PreSonus FIREBOX Out 3/4 15: PreSonus FIREBOX Out 5/6
16: PreSonus FIREBOX Spdif Out L/R 17: YAMAHA AC-XG WDM
So i realize i should specify the device number for dac
and rtaudio
so i specify "-odac2 and -+rtaudio=pa2"
as I am
trying to pull input from "Interface 2, Name: PreSonus FIREBOX Mic/Inst
1/2" and write output to "2: PreSonus FIREBOX Out Main 1/2"
but when
i do this I get this error:
*** error: unknown rtaudio module:
'pa2' Failed to initialise real time audio output
Any help would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Dave Hanft
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