Thanks everyone!
Very quickly (while I bludge off work) here are my responses to you all…
Yes I’ve identified all those opcodes you have suggested as being “close to
the money” but as far as implementing what Roads is talking about in Com Mus
Tut, I’m not sure any of them deal with, well, pretty much any of it. Please
correct me if I’m wrong.
These are the key quotes from CMT (p174)
"spectrum analysis is performed on each grain?" (in a window that's == grain
size?) (With grains == successive wavecycle lengths?)
"an impulse response is then derived which sets the params on a resynth
"pulse trains delivered into FIR filters at the detected pitch period.."
"The output signal results from the excitation of the pulse train on the
weighted sum of the impulse responses of all the filters"
This seems like a specific mix of a number of different DSP philosophies &
approaches – no simple “Foggery” or “Synciness” here…. But as you are across
so many of these related topics, you had the misfortune of having me drag u
in…. (I apologise ; ) …)
Joel Ross:
Glad to see autotune’s finally got a keyboard at the bottom of the
interface! The specifics about MIDI control to “impose pitch” however are
still vague.
The concept of a pencil, a zoom tool & “a wavy pitch line” may seem like
some GUI designers idea of “control”, but from my experience toying with an
early version of Auto-Tune they most certainly are not!
Their new effects however look very exciting, & do conceptually sound like
much that has been discussed.
I’ve never checked out Melodyne. Maybe I need to…. (If you wan’t to give me
some more insights into your own useage & experience with these please feel
welcome to contact me offlist…)
Thanks for mentioning Harmon2 & Hilbert. I’m not sure I know what or how I
need to use Hilbert though….(I don’t fuly understand what Hilbert is..). any
ideas? (i will definately start checking them out over the weekend
Andreas B:
our posts may have crossed, but I also have considered the relevance /
“synonimity” of LPC with this process – my earlier response to victor raised
the issue. It’s on the field of investigation…..
Alex W: unfortunately public resources are of a particularly low standard
here in lil ol Adelaide. & My local Conservatorium rejected me 10 years ago,
so I have little intention of ever going back to them for assistance (& what
I have taught myself in the interim is probably more relevant & useful
anyway., so perhaps they did me a favour.).
We have in Australia lived under a govt whose idea of “service to the
community” is to deny them knowledge, resources & opportunities so that they
may be easier exploited by multinationals looking for cheap labour.
Ignorance helps perpetuate this process, & the prosperity of the remaining
few who stand to benefit.
The public has finally seen sense after 15 years however & voted these post
thatcherite ignoramuses into the gutter where they belong. Let’s hope things
start to improve as a result.
If not, Ugo Chavez, if you are reading this, please prepare your forces for
invasion. (& please bring me a copy of Microsound for my local public
library on the way...)
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