| I'll try.
On 1 Sep 2012, at 22:54, Art Hunkins wrote:
> Victor,
> One request for CSD Player for Android:
> Assuming you will post the special version you made for me that includes some printed compile messages (that really helps, and I would think would benefit most Csound users on Android): could you please add a little space between the 5 buttons and the bottom of the screen? Currently it is easy (and quite disastrous) to mishit a button and instead get a menu item.
> One possibility: subtact a line or so from the message space at the top of the screen. In my experience, the printed messages never occupy the last line or two of the available space.
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Victor Lazzarini"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 12:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [Csnd] Announcing Csound 5.18.02
> Ditto for OSX 10.6 now. I will update the CSDPlayer to match 5.18.
> Victor
> On 31 Aug 2012, at 19:01, Steven Yi wrote:
>> I have uploaded the OSX 10.7 and Android releases. Something has
>> changed with iOS builds and the size of generated libcsound.a has
>> grown 5x. I'm assuming it is due to something with the newer version
>> XCode I am using compared the one I used for the previous release.
>> I'm still investigating and will report when a release is done. (If
>> anyone knows of anything like this with newer xcode, please let me
>> know.)
>> Thanks!
>> steven
>> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 4:36 PM, john ffitch wrote:
>>> Third time lucky? The small problem escalated but is now fixed.
>>> It is with great relief that I can announce the availability of
>>> Csound 5.18.02. The manual, release notes and sources are on
>>> Sourceforge, together with a growing number of packaged system.
>>> The release notes are below, and I do not want to single out any
>>> particular changes, but bug fixes, speed ups, easier use and
>>> user-requested facilities have been the leading drivers.
>>> Thank you to all the contributors to this release.
>>> ==John ffitch
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Notes for 5.18
>>> ==============
>>> This is mainly a bug-fixing release but with a number of new opcodes and
>>> enhanced features.
>>> New Opcodes:
>>> log2 function to calculate logarithm base 2
>>> joystick to read input values (Linux only)
>>> platerev, a physical model from Stefan Bilbao
>>> vbap opcode is a generalisation of the various fixed number of
>>> channels
>>> vbapg opcode is like vbap except just calculates gains
>>> pwd opcode to obtain the working directory
>>> readf/readfi to read strings from a file
>>> centroid opcode (like pvscent but acting on audio signals)
>>> cosseg opcode, like linseg but with cosine interpolation
>>> cossegb opcode, like linsegb but with cosine interpolation
>>> cossegr opcode, like linsegr but with cosine interpolation
>>> New Gen and Macros:
>>> NONE
>>> Score
>>> A score may be omitted totally
>>> Modified Opcodes and Gens:
>>> New features in partikkel
>>> - panning law for channelmasks can now be set using a
>>> function table (second optional arg to partikkel)
>>> - new support opcodes partikkelget and partikkelset, to
>>> access and modify the internal mask indices of partikkel
>>> follow2 was reworked do the i-rate and k-rate calculations are
>>> the same
>>> pvscent corrected as it returned half the correct value
>>> vbaplsinit can create more than one speaker layout which
>>> vbap/vbapg can use. Also much better diagnostics on
>>> incorrect layouts
>>> Utilities
>>> csbeats: internal fixes to remove crashing
>>> Frontends
>>> CsoundAc has seen considerable developments
>>> Bugs fixed:
>>> dates could crash on 64bit architecture
>>> Some multicore interlocks were wrong
>>> Some files could be closed twice, leading to a crash
>>> System Changes:
>>> Changes to to allow spaces between words, and escaped
>>> characters.
>>> Code changed so bison 2.6 can be used
>>> fout and fin use a better buffering strategy, and so are faster
>>> It is possible to specify just an orchestra with the --orc flag.
>>> Useful when a score is not needed
>>> added a --ogg flag for easy use of ogg/vorbis output
>>> It is assumed that libsndfile version 1.0.19 or later is available
>>> Added alsaseq real-time midi (see below)
>>> API:
>>> NONE
>>> Internal:
>>> Many! Some messages quietened, more defensive code etc
>>> Code speeded up in many places; hopefully not many bugs introduced
>>> ========================================================================
>>> Alsaseq
>>> =======
>>> Memorandum about the syntax of the connections:
>>> -M address_list
>>> -Q address_list
>>> where:
>>> address_list ::= address[,address,...]
>>> address ::= client_number[:port_number]
>>> address ::= client_name[:port_number]
>>> client_number and port_number are integers >= 0
>>> The default port_number is 0.
>>> client_name is a string where the first char is not a number
>>> Example with `CsOptions':
>>> -odac ; etc
>>> -+rtmidi=alsaseq
>>> ;; The default name of the client is 'Csound'
>>> -+alsaseq_client="Csound ALSA Sequencer Test"
>>> ;; If there are spaces in the name of the client,
>>> ;; we can put it between the "..."
>>> -M 20,"USB MIDI Controller:1",128:3,keykit:1
>>> -Q LinuxSampler,LinuxSampler:1
>>> ;; Also the follow is valid
>>> ;; -M "20,USB MIDI Controller:1,128:3,keykit:1"
>>> ;;
>>> ;; Here is an extreme example that uses the characters ','
>>> ;; and ':' in the name of the client.
>>> ;;
>>> ;; -M "Uno\,Due\,Tre\:4"
>>> ;;
>>> ;; The name of the client is Uno,Due,Tre:4 and the port is 0.
>>> ;; Idem but the port is 1 (it also works without escape for ':')
>>> ;;
>>> ;; -M "Uno\,Due\,Tre:4:1"
>>> ;;
>>> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"
>> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"
> Dr Victor Lazzarini
> Senior Lecturer
> Dept. of Music
> NUI Maynooth Ireland
> tel.: +353 1 708 3545
> Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"
> =
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"
Dr Victor Lazzarini
Senior Lecturer
Dept. of Music
NUI Maynooth Ireland
tel.: +353 1 708 3545
Victor dot Lazzarini AT nuim dot ie