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Re: [Csnd] Cabbage v0.03.03 (OSX 10.6)

Date2012-09-16 15:22
Fromjohn ffitch
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Cabbage v0.03.03 (OSX 10.6)
When is the Linux version scheduled to appear?
==John ffitch

Date2012-09-16 15:25
FromRory Walsh
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Cabbage v0.03.03 (OSX 10.6)
Good question. I'm not sure about the best way to distribute it on
linux. Currently the build system is completely self-contained. There
is little need for any external dependencies. I just need to update
the makefiles. Is it Ok to expect people to be able to build it
themselves? I can of course prepare binaries for Ubuntu as it's the
flavour of linux I use.

On 16 September 2012 15:22, john ffitch  wrote:
> When is the Linux version scheduled to appear?
> ==John ffitch
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Date2012-09-16 17:07
FromDave Phillips
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Cabbage v0.03.03 (OSX 10.6)
On 09/16/12 10:25, Rory Walsh wrote:
> Good question. I'm not sure about the best way to distribute it on
> linux. Currently the build system is completely self-contained. There
> is little need for any external dependencies. I just need to update
> the makefiles. Is it Ok to expect people to be able to build it
> themselves? I can of course prepare binaries for Ubuntu as it's the
> flavour of linux I use.

In this instance I would say, yes, you should expect Linux users to 
build it. At some point someone may decide to manage a package and save 
you the hassle. Meanwhile, if your system is self-contained then there 
should be little or no difficulty compiling it locally.

Those are also known as "famous last words".  :)

Eager to try some Cabbage here,
