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[Csnd] ChimePad - now a Csound Android app

Date2012-09-20 17:16
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] ChimePad - now a Csound Android app
My son has just made an Android app out of my ChimePad project. Closely 
based on Victor's CSD Player app, it was just released to the Android Market 
(play.google.com). You are invited to try it.

Unfortunately, I've found that the sound glitches (periodic dropouts) on my 
wife's Verizon Droid2 Global (Motorola) smartphone. (Android 2.3.4 OS, 
1.2MHz procaessor). This is one of our target platforms, and I need the 
sound to be flawless.

I've reduced computing demands to SR=8000, ksmps=100, stereo, and the 
following CsOptions:
-odac -m0d --expression-opt -b256 -B2048

What can be done to eliminate the dropouts? Is increasing -b to -b512 or 
even -b1024 the answer? (Latency is not an issue, though I'd like it to be 
no longer than necessary. I realize that reducing it to lower than 200ms is 
not possible at this time.)

Art Hunkins 

Date2012-09-20 17:24
FromJustin Smith
SubjectRe: [Csnd] ChimePad - now a Csound Android app
These options are probably unacceptable, but turning off wifi,
bluetooth and/or the cell network connection will often improve
realtime performance quite a bit (they tend to tie up the kernel,
which causes dropouts).

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Art Hunkins  wrote:
> My son has just made an Android app out of my ChimePad project. Closely
> based on Victor's CSD Player app, it was just released to the Android Market
> (play.google.com). You are invited to try it.
> Unfortunately, I've found that the sound glitches (periodic dropouts) on my
> wife's Verizon Droid2 Global (Motorola) smartphone. (Android 2.3.4 OS,
> 1.2MHz procaessor). This is one of our target platforms, and I need the
> sound to be flawless.
> I've reduced computing demands to SR=8000, ksmps=100, stereo, and the
> following CsOptions:
> -odac -m0d --expression-opt -b256 -B2048
> What can be done to eliminate the dropouts? Is increasing -b to -b512 or
> even -b1024 the answer? (Latency is not an issue, though I'd like it to be
> no longer than necessary. I realize that reducing it to lower than 200ms is
> not possible at this time.)
> Art Hunkins
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>            https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"

Date2012-09-20 17:28
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] ChimePad - now a Csound Android app

Hi Art,

Definitely use a higher -b. I think currently 512 is the lowest you should go. You should find that with that you can raise the other properties (sr=44100, ksmps=64). I'd try 1024 as well.

Hopefully that should solve your problems!


On Sep 20, 2012 5:17 PM, "Art Hunkins" <abhunkin@uncg.edu> wrote:
My son has just made an Android app out of my ChimePad project. Closely based on Victor's CSD Player app, it was just released to the Android Market (play.google.com). You are invited to try it.

Unfortunately, I've found that the sound glitches (periodic dropouts) on my wife's Verizon Droid2 Global (Motorola) smartphone. (Android 2.3.4 OS, 1.2MHz procaessor). This is one of our target platforms, and I need the sound to be flawless.

I've reduced computing demands to SR=8000, ksmps=100, stereo, and the following CsOptions:
-odac -m0d --expression-opt -b256 -B2048

What can be done to eliminate the dropouts? Is increasing -b to -b512 or even -b1024 the answer? (Latency is not an issue, though I'd like it to be no longer than necessary. I realize that reducing it to lower than 200ms is not possible at this time.)

Art Hunkins

Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2012-09-20 23:10
FromDave Seidel
SubjectRe: [Csnd] ChimePad - now a Csound Android app
Very nice, Al! Sounds great on my Nexus 7. (I also installed Crickets
and Peppers!)

- Dave

On 9/20/2012 12:16 PM, Art Hunkins wrote:
> My son has just made an Android app out of my ChimePad project.
> Closely based on Victor's CSD Player app, it was just released to the
> Android Market (play.google.com). You are invited to try it.
> Unfortunately, I've found that the sound glitches (periodic dropouts)
> on my wife's Verizon Droid2 Global (Motorola) smartphone. (Android
> 2.3.4 OS, 1.2MHz procaessor). This is one of our target platforms, and
> I need the sound to be flawless.
> I've reduced computing demands to SR=8000, ksmps=100, stereo, and the
> following CsOptions:
> -odac -m0d --expression-opt -b256 -B2048
> What can be done to eliminate the dropouts? Is increasing -b to -b512
> or even -b1024 the answer? (Latency is not an issue, though I'd like
> it to be no longer than necessary. I realize that reducing it to lower
> than 200ms is not possible at this time.)
> Art Hunkins
> Send bugs reports to the Sourceforge bug tracker
>            https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=81968&atid=564599
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body
> "unsubscribe csound"