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[Csnd] [Fwd: [Cs-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Csound 5.18.02 for Windows has been released]

Date2012-09-10 11:02
Subject[Csnd] [Fwd: [Cs-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Csound 5.18.02 for Windows has been released]
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Cs-dev] ANNOUNCEMENT: Csound 5.18.02 for Windows has been released
From:    "Michael Gogins" 
Date:    Sun, September 9, 2012 9:02 pm
To:      "Developer discussions" 

I have uploaded the Windows installer for Csound version 5.18.02 to
SourceForge at:


This release includes the following changes:

(1) CsoundQt-Python is not included in this release, because I was not
able to build PythonQt.

(2) However, regular CsoundQt has been upgraded to the head version
and seems to work fine.

(3) Cabbage by Rory Walsh is now included by default. It can be used
to run Csound orchestras with graphical user interfaces, or to export
them as VST instrument or effect plugins. Note that Cabbage sources
are available from Google Code. I feel that Cabbage will prove a very
useful addition to the Csound toolkit, especially for those who prefer
to work in an audio workstation or notation environment. (CsoundVST is
still available from my personal Web site at

(4) FLTK has been changed from version 1.1 to version 1.3 head.

(5) In general, all third party dependencies have been upgraded to
their most recent usable versions.

(5) Csound itself and many third party dependencies have been compiled
using MinGW/GCC version 4.6.2.

(6) A variety of changes and bug fixes have been made to CsoundAC,
primarily to assist in writing algorithmic compositions in C++ for
Csound rendering. In particular, a more correct version of chord space
operations has been implemented in the ChordSpace class. There are
also improvements in the convenience functions for rendering, and
especially in MIDI file import and export.

(7) A bug was reported that libiconv-2 was not installed. I believe
that I have rebuilt the FluidSynth DLL so that this library is no
longer required.

(8) The "How to Build Csound on Windows" document in GIT has been
updated to reflect the building of this release.

Please report any problems or requests to the developer's list.

Mike Gogins

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com
