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[Csnd] Announcing CHIMEPAD for Android Csound

Date2012-09-14 03:54
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] Announcing CHIMEPAD for Android Csound
From the top of my composition list at www.arthunkins.com:
CHIMEPAD - for Android Csound (2012)
  Custom version of CHIMEPLAY for windchime or other natural sound samples. Includes ChimePad.csd - to be performed by the Android CsoundApp.apk (CSD Player) app, and two sets of chime samples. Requires Android OS 2.3 or higher.
Beside the zip archive download, there is a separate text file that includes the outline of a sample realization (performance), and an .mp3 of that sample performance.
I much appreciate all the help I've gotten from members of this listserv. Part of the reason why I undertook this project was to see what could be done with Victor's GUI in CSD Player. I managed to use the trackpad (x and y axes), all five sliders and buttons, in a number of different combinations. I hope ChimePad.csd can serve as a demo of just what can be done with the performance interface, especially since MIDI input is not yet possible.
Art Hunkins