| you are using ivars, so I can't see it working. Try this version:
instr 1
kndx init 0
krn = 0.25
kread table kndx,1
if kread > 0 kgoto positive
kwrite = kread+krn
kgoto write
kwrite = kread-krn
tablew kwrite,kndx,1
kcheck table kndx, 1
printf "orig: %f, new: %f\n", kndx, kread, kcheck ; this will print the
kndx = kndx + 1
if kndx<1024 kgoto loop
At 15:44 15/11/2007, you wrote:
> I'm trying to use the following instrument to rewrite a table during
> a real-time performance:
>indx init 0
>irn = 0.25
>iread table indx,1
>if iread > 0 kgoto positive
>iwrite = iread+irn
>goto write
>iwrite = iread-irn
> tableiw iwrite,indx,1
>indx = indx + 1
>if indx<1024 kgoto loop
> endin
> Rewriting the table onto itself seems not to be functioning properly,
> but if I write to a second table that doesn't yet exist, it seems to
> function properly. Is it not possible to rewrite a table onto itself, or
> am I doing something else incorrect? Does anyone have an example of
> something like this that they couls share with me?
> Mark
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth