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[Csnd] Image opcodes

Date2007-11-18 19:40
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Image opcodes
Please test:


The opcodes are:

imageload - usage: imgnum imageload filename (Ex. img1 imageload 
imagecreate - usage: imgnum imagecreate width height (Ex. img1 
imagecreate 800, 600)
imagesize - usage: width, height imagesize imgnum (Ex. iw, ih imagesize 
imagegetpixel - usage: kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel imgnum, kx, ky
imagesetpixel - usage: imagesetpixel imgnum kx, ky, kr, kg, kb
imagesave - usage: imagesave imgnum,  filename (Ex. imagesave img1, 

imagegetpixel and imagesetpixel can be used at k-rate or at a-rate.

By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the 
top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you want 
to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be with 
exact pixel indexes and r g b values.

I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, if 
there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they would be 
useful or if they're worthless. Anything.

Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed it 
on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?

Thanks in advance for the feedback.



p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:


giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image path 
and filename
giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h

giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600

        instr 1
kval linseg 0, p3, 1
kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print the 
first line of the image (y=0)
printk 0, kblue

        instr 2
kval linseg 0, p3, 1
kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1

        instr 3
imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"

i1 0 0.1
i2 1 1
i3 2 1


Date2007-11-18 21:31
From"Richard Bowers"
Subject[Csnd] RE: Image opcodes
I have been looking for something which would enable a synthesis method
similar to Rasmus Ekman's Coagula, but with the flexibility of Csound -
ie. the ability to apply the data in a variety of ways at micro, meso
and macro levels. It looks as if these could be the answer. Would there
be some way of getting this data into standard f-tables? (I'm speaking
as a Csound user. I don't know anything about the programming of


-----Original Message-----
From: Cesare Marilungo [mailto:cesare@poeticstudios.com] 
Sent: 18 November 2007 19:41
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Image opcodes

Please test:


The opcodes are:

imageload - usage: imgnum imageload filename (Ex. img1 imageload 
imagecreate - usage: imgnum imagecreate width height (Ex. img1 
imagecreate 800, 600)
imagesize - usage: width, height imagesize imgnum (Ex. iw, ih imagesize 
imagegetpixel - usage: kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel imgnum, kx, ky
imagesetpixel - usage: imagesetpixel imgnum kx, ky, kr, kg, kb imagesave
- usage: imagesave imgnum,  filename (Ex. imagesave img1, 

imagegetpixel and imagesetpixel can be used at k-rate or at a-rate.

By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the 
top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you want

to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be with 
exact pixel indexes and r g b values.

I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, if 
there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they would be 
useful or if they're worthless. Anything.

Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed it

on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?

Thanks in advance for the feedback.



p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:


giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image path

and filename
giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h

giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600

        instr 1
kval linseg 0, p3, 1
kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print the

first line of the image (y=0)
printk 0, kblue

        instr 2
kval linseg 0, p3, 1
kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1

        instr 3
imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"

i1 0 0.1
i2 1 1
i3 2 1


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Date2007-11-18 22:09
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Re: RE: Image opcodes
You can do something like this:

giImage imageload "myimage.png" ;load the image
giImagew, giImageh imagesize giImage

giTable ftGen 1, 0, giImagew, 7, 0, giImagew,, 0; this can use whatever 
table gen you want since we're going to rewrite it

kord linseg 0, kr, 1
kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giImage, kord, 0; we read the first 
line of our image
tablew kred, kord, 1, 1 ;write the values to our table

a1 oscil 20000, kfreq, 1
    out a1

Then in score:

i1 0 1 ; read the line and write values to our table
i2 1 1 ; play one second of our table.

Maybe I can write other opcodes to do this automagically. The problem is 
that one has to choose how to map the data inside the image to table 
values. Using the data directly requires some more code to write but 
leaves the user more freedom to interpret the image as he/she wants.



Richard Bowers wrote:
> I have been looking for something which would enable a synthesis method
> similar to Rasmus Ekman's Coagula, but with the flexibility of Csound -
> ie. the ability to apply the data in a variety of ways at micro, meso
> and macro levels. It looks as if these could be the answer. Would there
> be some way of getting this data into standard f-tables? (I'm speaking
> as a Csound user. I don't know anything about the programming of
> opcodes).
> -Richard.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cesare Marilungo [mailto:cesare@poeticstudios.com] 
> Sent: 18 November 2007 19:41
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: [Csnd] Image opcodes
> Please test:
> http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/csound/imageOpcodes.tar.gz
> The opcodes are:
> imageload - usage: imgnum imageload filename (Ex. img1 imageload 
> "myimage.png")
> imagecreate - usage: imgnum imagecreate width height (Ex. img1 
> imagecreate 800, 600)
> imagesize - usage: width, height imagesize imgnum (Ex. iw, ih imagesize 
> img1)
> imagegetpixel - usage: kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel imgnum, kx, ky
> imagesetpixel - usage: imagesetpixel imgnum kx, ky, kr, kg, kb imagesave
> - usage: imagesave imgnum,  filename (Ex. imagesave img1, 
> "test.png")
> imagegetpixel and imagesetpixel can be used at k-rate or at a-rate.
> By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the 
> top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
> Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you want
> to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be with 
> exact pixel indexes and r g b values.
> I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, if 
> there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they would be 
> useful or if they're worthless. Anything.
> Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed it
> on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?
> Thanks in advance for the feedback.
> Ciao,
> c.
> p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:
> sr=48000
> ksmps=1
> nchnls=2
> giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image path
> and filename
> giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
> prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h
> giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600
>         instr 1
> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
> kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print the
> first line of the image (y=0)
> printk 0, kblue
>         endin
>         instr 2
> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
> kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
> kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
> kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1
>         endin
>         instr 3
> imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"
>         endin
> i1 0 0.1
> i2 1 1
> i3 2 1
> e


Date2007-11-18 22:17
FromKevin Krebs
Subject[Csnd] Re: RE: Image opcodes
Richard Bowers wrote:
> I have been looking for something which would enable a synthesis method
> similar to Rasmus Ekman's Coagula, but with the flexibility of Csound -

   Another free program that may be of interest to everyone working with 
image to sound synthesis is Blip from the recent KvRaudio Developer's 
challenge.  http://www.nicolasfournel.com/blip.htm
   He's also got quite a selection of other audio software that you can 
find via his homepage: http://www.nicolasfournel.com/

--------- ------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - - -
k.m.krebs \ 833-45 :    http://833-45.net
--------- ------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - - -
"Sound is all our dreams of music. Noise is
music's dreams of us." - Morton Feldman

Date2007-11-18 23:56
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: RE: Image opcodes
Here's a .csd I actually tested:


giimage1 imageload "image2.png"

giTable ftgen 1, 0, 512, 7, 0, 512, 0; this can use whatever table gen 
you want since we're
giTable ftgen 2, 0, 512, 7, 0, 512, 0;
giTable ftgen 3, 0, 512, 7, 0, 512, 0;

        instr 1
kval linseg 0, p3, 1
kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0
tablew kred-.5, kval, 1, 1 ;write the values to our table
tablew kgreen-.5, kval, 2, 1 ;
tablew kblue-.5, kval, 3, 1 ;

        instr 2
a1 oscil 20000, 110, p4
;a1 dcblock a1
outs a1,a1

i1 1 1
i2 2 1 1 ; play 1 second using the table filled with red values
i2 3 1 2 ; green
i2 4 1 3 ; blue

Cesare Marilungo wrote:
> You can do something like this:
> giImage imageload "myimage.png" ;load the image
> giImagew, giImageh imagesize giImage
> giTable ftGen 1, 0, giImagew, 7, 0, giImagew,, 0; this can use 
> whatever table gen you want since we're going to rewrite it
>    instr1
> kord linseg 0, kr, 1
> kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giImage, kord, 0; we read the first 
> line of our image
> tablew kred, kord, 1, 1 ;write the values to our table
>    endin
>    instr2
> a1 oscil 20000, kfreq, 1
>    out a1
>    endin
> Then in score:
> i1 0 1 ; read the line and write values to our table
> i2 1 1 ; play one second of our table.
> Maybe I can write other opcodes to do this automagically. The problem 
> is that one has to choose how to map the data inside the image to 
> table values. Using the data directly requires some more code to write 
> but leaves the user more freedom to interpret the image as he/she wants.
> Ciao,
> -c.
> Richard Bowers wrote:
>> I have been looking for something which would enable a synthesis method
>> similar to Rasmus Ekman's Coagula, but with the flexibility of Csound -
>> ie. the ability to apply the data in a variety of ways at micro, meso
>> and macro levels. It looks as if these could be the answer. Would there
>> be some way of getting this data into standard f-tables? (I'm speaking
>> as a Csound user. I don't know anything about the programming of
>> opcodes).
>> -Richard.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cesare Marilungo [mailto:cesare@poeticstudios.com] Sent: 18 
>> November 2007 19:41
>> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>> Subject: [Csnd] Image opcodes
>> Please test:
>> http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/csound/imageOpcodes.tar.gz
>> The opcodes are:
>> imageload - usage: imgnum imageload filename (Ex. img1 imageload 
>> "myimage.png")
>> imagecreate - usage: imgnum imagecreate width height (Ex. img1 
>> imagecreate 800, 600)
>> imagesize - usage: width, height imagesize imgnum (Ex. iw, ih 
>> imagesize img1)
>> imagegetpixel - usage: kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel imgnum, kx, ky
>> imagesetpixel - usage: imagesetpixel imgnum kx, ky, kr, kg, kb imagesave
>> - usage: imagesave imgnum,  filename (Ex. imagesave img1, "test.png")
>> imagegetpixel and imagesetpixel can be used at k-rate or at a-rate.
>> By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the 
>> top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
>> Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you want
>> to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be 
>> with exact pixel indexes and r g b values.
>> I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, 
>> if there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they 
>> would be useful or if they're worthless. Anything.
>> Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed it
>> on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?
>> Thanks in advance for the feedback.
>> Ciao,
>> c.
>> p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:
>> sr=48000
>> ksmps=1
>> nchnls=2
>> giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image path
>> and filename
>> giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
>> prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h
>> giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600
>>         instr 1
>> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
>> kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print the
>> first line of the image (y=0)
>> printk 0, kblue
>>         endin
>>         instr 2
>> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
>> kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
>> kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
>> kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
>> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
>> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
>> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1
>>         endin
>>         instr 3
>> imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"
>>         endin
>> i1 0 0.1
>> i2 1 1
>> i3 2 1
>> e


Date2007-11-19 15:28
FromAndres Cabrera
Subject[Csnd] Re: Image opcodes
Hi Cesare,

El dom, 18-11-2007 a las 20:40 +0100, Cesare Marilungo escribió:
> By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the 
> top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
> Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you want 
> to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be with 
> exact pixel indexes and r g b values.
Thanks for your work. Just one suggestion to keep values more in line
with existing opcodes, it might be good to use ranges between 0 and 255
to keep consistency with the existing FL opcodes like FLcolor, etc.
Do you think these opcodes could be used to replace the bmopen opcode
(which is currently only available on CsoundAV, but is designed to
interact with other existing opcodes)?



> I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, if 
> there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they would be 
> useful or if they're worthless. Anything.
> Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed it 
> on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?
> Thanks in advance for the feedback.
> Ciao,
> c.
> p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:
> sr=48000
> ksmps=1
> nchnls=2
> giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image path 
> and filename
> giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
> prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h
> giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600
>         instr 1
> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
> kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print the 
> first line of the image (y=0)
> printk 0, kblue
>         endin
>         instr 2
> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
> kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
> kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
> kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1
>         endin
>         instr 3
> imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"
>         endin
> i1 0 0.1
> i2 1 1
> i3 2 1
> e

Date2007-11-19 17:33
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Image opcodes
Hi Andres,

I agree with Michael about the default behavior for scaling values. Keep 
in mind that my idea was to use these opcodes to extract information 
from images for musical purposes, not for GUIs (I thought there was a FL 
opcode for this, already). My idea was to add an optional parameter to 
set the behavior you're talking about (mapping r g b values as bytes and 
coords as ints).

I didn't know about CsoundAV, lots of interesting stuff. Can't try it 
since I'm on gnu/Linux.

Anyway it would be good reuse stuff wherever it's possible. Another 
problem is which library/ies to use for loading images on the various 



Andres Cabrera wrote:
> Hi Cesare,
> El dom, 18-11-2007 a las 20:40 +0100, Cesare Marilungo escribió:
>> By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the 
>> top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
>> Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you want 
>> to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be with 
>> exact pixel indexes and r g b values.
> Thanks for your work. Just one suggestion to keep values more in line
> with existing opcodes, it might be good to use ranges between 0 and 255
> to keep consistency with the existing FL opcodes like FLcolor, etc.
> Do you think these opcodes could be used to replace the bmopen opcode
> (which is currently only available on CsoundAV, but is designed to
> interact with other existing opcodes)?
> http://www.csounds.com/maldonado/Manual/index.htm
> Cheers,
> Andrés
>> I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, if 
>> there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they would be 
>> useful or if they're worthless. Anything.
>> Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed it 
>> on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?
>> Thanks in advance for the feedback.
>> Ciao,
>> c.
>> p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:
>> sr=48000
>> ksmps=1
>> nchnls=2
>> giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image path 
>> and filename
>> giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
>> prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h
>> giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600
>>         instr 1
>> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
>> kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print the 
>> first line of the image (y=0)
>> printk 0, kblue
>>         endin
>>         instr 2
>> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
>> kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
>> kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
>> kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
>> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
>> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
>> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1
>>         endin
>>         instr 3
>> imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"
>>         endin
>> i1 0 0.1
>> i2 1 1
>> i3 2 1
>> e
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"


Date2007-11-19 20:03
From"Richard Bowers"
Subject[Csnd] RE: Re: RE: Image opcodes
Thanks for this. I'm looking forward to seeing these in the next


Subject: [Csnd] Re: RE: Image opcodes

You can do something like this:

giImage imageload "myimage.png" ;load the image
giImagew, giImageh imagesize giImage

giTable ftGen 1, 0, giImagew, 7, 0, giImagew,, 0; this can use whatever 
table gen you want since we're going to rewrite it

kord linseg 0, kr, 1
kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giImage, kord, 0; we read the first 
line of our image
tablew kred, kord, 1, 1 ;write the values to our table

a1 oscil 20000, kfreq, 1
    out a1

Then in score:

i1 0 1 ; read the line and write values to our table
i2 1 1 ; play one second of our table.

Maybe I can write other opcodes to do this automagically. The problem is

that one has to choose how to map the data inside the image to table 
values. Using the data directly requires some more code to write but 
leaves the user more freedom to interpret the image as he/she wants.



Richard Bowers wrote:
> I have been looking for something which would enable a synthesis 
> method similar to Rasmus Ekman's Coagula, but with the flexibility of 
> Csound - ie. the ability to apply the data in a variety of ways at 
> micro, meso and macro levels. It looks as if these could be the 
> answer. Would there be some way of getting this data into standard 
> f-tables? (I'm speaking as a Csound user. I don't know anything about 
> the programming of opcodes).
> -Richard.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cesare Marilungo [mailto:cesare@poeticstudios.com]
> Sent: 18 November 2007 19:41
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Subject: [Csnd] Image opcodes
> Please test:
> http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/csound/imageOpcodes.tar.gz
> The opcodes are:
> imageload - usage: imgnum imageload filename (Ex. img1 imageload
> "myimage.png")
> imagecreate - usage: imgnum imagecreate width height (Ex. img1 
> imagecreate 800, 600)
> imagesize - usage: width, height imagesize imgnum (Ex. iw, ih
> img1)
> imagegetpixel - usage: kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel imgnum, kx,
> imagesetpixel - usage: imagesetpixel imgnum kx, ky, kr, kg, kb
> - usage: imagesave imgnum,  filename (Ex. imagesave img1, 
> "test.png")
> imagegetpixel and imagesetpixel can be used at k-rate or at a-rate.
> By default these two opcodes use values scaled from 0.0 to 1.0 so the
> top left pixel is 0,0 and the r g b values are 0.0 to 1.0 too. As 
> Michael suggested I plan to add an extra parameter to choose if you
> to use the exact pixel indexes. So 0 would be default, 1 would be with
> exact pixel indexes and r g b values.
> I would like to hear from you about the naming conventions and such, 
> if
> there's a better way to name these opcodes. If you think they would be

> useful or if they're worthless. Anything.
> Also, at the moment I'm using Imlib and Xlib for this and I developed 
> it
> on gnu/Linux. What library would you use for Windows and MacOS X?
> Thanks in advance for the feedback.
> Ciao,
> c.
> p.s. Here's a .csd to test everything:
> sr=48000
> ksmps=1
> nchnls=2
> giimage1 imageload "image.png" ;edit this to point to a valid image 
> path
> and filename
> giimage1w, giimage1h imagesize giimage1
> prints "giImage1size: %d,%d\n", giimage1w, giimage1h
> giimage2 imagecreate 800, 600
>         instr 1
> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
> kred, kgreen, kblue imagegetpixel giimage1, kval, 0 ;scans and print 
> the
> first line of the image (y=0)
> printk 0, kblue
>         endin
>         instr 2
> kval linseg 0, p3, 1
> kval2 lfo 1/6,2,0
> kval3 lfo 1/6,4,0
> kval4 lfo 1/6,8,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval2+1/6,1,0,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval3+3/6,0,1,0
> imagesetpixel giimage2, kval,kval4+5/6,0,0,1
>         endin
>         instr 3
> imagesave giimage2, "imageout.png"
>         endin
> i1 0 0.1
> i2 1 1
> i3 2 1
> e


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Date2007-11-19 20:07
From"Richard Bowers"
Subject[Csnd] RE: Re: RE: Image opcodes
Many thanks, Kevin. This stuff looks really interesting.

>   Another free program that may be of interest to everyone working
image to sound synthesis is Blip from the recent KvRaudio Developer's 
challenge.  http://www.nicolasfournel.com/blip.htm
   He's also got quite a selection of other audio software that you can 
find via his homepage: http://www.nicolasfournel.com/

--------- ------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - - -
k.m.krebs \ 833-45 :    http://833-45.net
--------- ------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - - -
"Sound is all our dreams of music. Noise is
music's dreams of us." - Morton Feldman

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Date2007-11-20 16:58
From"David Akbari"
Subject[Csnd] Re: RE: Re: RE: Image opcodes

Date2007-11-20 18:33
FromCesare Marilungo
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: RE: Re: RE: Image opcodes
Of course you can.

imagesetpixel accepts both control and audio rate. You can create an 
empty image, fill it and save it.

But really, these opcodes are nothing special. It's just a bunch of code 
I've hacked up to learn csound plugin development. It the idea of using 
images in this way that is exciting.


- c.

David Akbari wrote:
> These new opcodes look very very cool!
> One question though, it seems that it is possible to go from an image
> file to sound... but is there a way to do the opposite..? By having
> some arbitrary generated program material stored in an image format?
> In this way we could possibly have a new way to store and transfer
> musical compositions! Also a good reminder about the csb64enc utility
> for embedding images in our .csd file for transfer...
> David Akbari
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Date2007-11-20 22:41
From"Richard Bowers"
Subject[Csnd] bmopen, bmtable etc. [was: Image opcodes]
Spurred on by this discussion I've been taking a look at Gabriel
Maldonado's bitmap opcodes which are present only (afaik) in Csound AV.
Has anyone had any experience with these and would be willing to pass on
any successful examples? I get some strange behaviour at times but I
seem to be able at least to read a bitmap's RGB values.

Also, are these opcodes likely to find their way into canonical? They
are: bmopen; bmtable(i); bmoscil(i); rgb2hsvl(_i); bmscan(i).

-----Original Message-----
From: Cesare Marilungo [mailto:cesare@poeticstudios.com] 
Sent: 20 November 2007 18:34
To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: RE: Re: RE: Image opcodes

Of course you can.

imagesetpixel accepts both control and audio rate. You can create an 
empty image, fill it and save it.

But really, these opcodes are nothing special. It's just a bunch of code

I've hacked up to learn csound plugin development. It the idea of using 
images in this way that is exciting.


- c.

David Akbari wrote:
> These new opcodes look very very cool!
> One question though, it seems that it is possible to go from an image 
> file to sound... but is there a way to do the opposite..? By having 
> some arbitrary generated program material stored in an image format?
> In this way we could possibly have a new way to store and transfer 
> musical compositions! Also a good reminder about the csb64enc utility 
> for embedding images in our .csd file for transfer...
> David Akbari
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body 
> "unsubscribe csound"


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