I've experimented a little bit with making Phase music with Csound back in
the day. I really only used a few techniques, but they seemed to do the
job. And as far as the techniques go, they are pretty standard.
When making music with samples, there were two general techniques that I
used. The first one involves duplicating a sample, and then either
extending it or shortening it. Then I would loop the both samples. The
other sample phase trick, if I was lazy and didn't want to duplicate the
sample, would be two loop the same sample twice, with one of the loops
As far as pure Csound goes, there was one technique I used above all else
involving placing notes and an envelope into f-tables, then start 2 or more
voices cycling through these tables with different phasor rates. For
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
instr 1
iamp = p4 ; amplitude
ipch = cpspch( p5 ) ; base pitch
inote = p6 ; table containing notes on a scale
ienv = p7 ; envelope table
irate = p8 ; rate of phasor
ipan = p9 ; pan position
ilen = ftlen( inote ) ; length of note table
aclock phasor irate / ilen
kclock downsamp aclock
knotes table kclock, inote, 1, 0.0, 0
aenv table3 aclock * ilen, ienv, 1, 0, 1
aosc oscil iamp, ipch * 2^(knotes/12), 1, -1
aosc = aosc * aenv * 0dbfs
out aosc * sqrt( 1 - ipan ), aosc * sqrt( ipan )
f1 0 65537 10 1 .3 0 0 .1
f2 0 9 -2 0 3 3 2 3 5 -1
f3 0 8193 -7 0 100 1 8092 0
i1 0 240 0.5 8.02 2 3 4 0.1
i1 0 . . . . . 4.0625 0.9
Also, one of my earliest Csound compositions was based on phase. You can
download it listen to it if you'd like, along with the phase example from
Now I'm inspired. :) Wonderful topic. I wish there were more messages
like this on the list.
The Csound Blog
David Akbari wrote:
> What are some other ways to generate phase music using Csound? I know
> people have mentioned the use of the 'b' operator in the score... how
> would that work?
> ...
> -David
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