| That makes sense to me.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Cesare Marilungo
>Sent: Nov 27, 2007 11:53 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: image opcodes
>To Victor and Michael,
>what if I rewrite the opcodes to use libpng?
>This is available (and would allow loading and saving ) on every
>supported platform (and on the XO too).
>Of course this would limit the file format to PNG, but it would make
>sense since PNG is an open format and it uses lossless compression (so
>you always keep all the data).
>What do you think?
>- c.
>Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>> I am the OSX maintainer; Michael Gogins is the Windows maintainer.
>> Could you just clarify the dependencies? This will probably be crucial
>> for the XO.
>> Victor
>> At 00:51 23/11/2007, you wrote:
>>> I am using imlib for this reason. So they hopefully should.
>>> BTW, I have investigated a bit more on FTLK and it seems it lacks
>>> image saving facility, which makes sense since it is a gui toolkit so
>>> images are just supposed to be displayed.
>>> I am still looking for a more widespread library to accomplish this.
>>> Other suggestions?
>>> I would also like to know which is the praxis for this kind of
>>> situations. Who is the maintainer for the MacOS X and Windows binary
>>> distributions of csound? Does he/she build them with statically
>>> linked libs?
>>> I am willing to port these opcodes to any other available library
>>> (it's really really easy since I just need to load and save images
>>> to/from a RGBRGBRGB... array, and the code to load and save is
>>> isolated in two functions at the beginning of the source) but I can't
>>> test or build for other platforms other than gnu/Linux.
>>> -c.
>>> Andres Cabrera wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The opcodes should compile for xo, but not the default install, as it
>>>> doesn't include FLTK AFAIK. I'm not sure if it includes the image
>>>> libraries you were using before, but if you want them to run easily on
>>>> the xo, using a small library rather than FLTK might be a good idea.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Andrés
>>>> El vie, 23-11-2007 a las 00:25 +0100, Cesare Marilungo escribió:
>>>>> Of course.
>>>>> http://www.cesaremarilungo.com/download/csound/imageOpcodes.tar.gz
>>>>> I've added the LGPL and a brief syntax description to the source
>>>>> file. I will send the manual pages to Andreas in the next 24-48 hours.
>>>>> By the way, could you please let me know if you'll succeed in
>>>>> compiling and using these opcodes on the XO laptop? I am still
>>>>> setting up a development and testing environment for it and I don't
>>>>> know if I'll be ready before next Monday.
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> -c.
>>>>> Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>>>>>> Cesare,
>>>>>> can I have your permission to add your
>>>>>> opcodes to Csound in CVS under the LGPL?
>>>>>> If so, can you remind me of the link
>>>>>> again? And another favour: could you then
>>>>>> post the manual pages to Andres?
>>>>>> Victor
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>>> www.cesaremarilungo.com
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>> Victor Lazzarini
>> Music Technology Laboratory
>> Music Department
>> National University of Ireland, Maynooth
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