| Csound is not built with or for Cygwin, it is built for Windows using MSys. MSys is sort of like a cut-down Cygwin that does not attempt to emulate all of Posix as Cygwin does. Csound on Windows does not use X Windows.
However, there is no reason why Csound should not work fine with Cygwin, since Windows programs run fine in Cygwin.
You may also want to consider using MSys (and MinGW) instead of Cygwin, as it takes up less room and still lets you work in a Posix-y way (bash, grep, gcc, configure, and so on). See the section on building Csound in the manual for hints.
Hope this helps,
-----Original Message-----
>From: Toby
>Sent: Nov 27, 2007 11:59 AM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Csound for Cygwin?
> From time to time, I get fed up with the shortcomings and
>inconsistencies which with Linux audio production is fraught.
>In windows, I have Finale, N-track, and Soundforge, and
>everything just works. When I use csound however, it is
>generally deeply entwined with command line tools, and
>I will not give up the Unix type of environment where this
>is concerned.
>My question is about Cygwin. I haven't used it too much,
>but I'm happy with what I've seen to date. Is there anything
>that I should know about trying to install csound on Cygwin,
>and what can I expect from midi I/O, real time audio I/O and
>X widgets.
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