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[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound5GUI crash

Date2007-11-04 00:00
FromA B
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Csound5GUI crash
Hi again,

Just started up SciTE. Its "Language" menu doesn't seem to include Csound, although the online Help states that it can handle Csound. Is there a program extension that I need to download as well? (None on the SciTE or Scintilla sites, AFAIK).


A B <audioaaaa@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi, That is very helpful, thank you! I was afraid I'd done something incorrectly with Csound5GUI. I'll have a look at SciTE.

BTW, I am working through your "A Csound Tutorial" -- it is great so far. Thank you for writing it -- you are making it easier for neophytes like me to understand Csound!


Michael Gogins <gogins@pipeline.com> wrote:
As an alternative to csound5gui, you may wish to consider using SciTE, an open source cross-platform text editor. It can be customized with Csound syntax coloring, and also customized by editing the global options so that when you press the F5 key, Csound renders the CSD file that you are editing. You can stop a performance with Control-Break.

Csound's output is printed to a panel in the GUI so that you can see the error messages. This panel remains open after Csound is stopped, stops, or crashes. The whole thing is very stable and very quick.

The only drawback is that you have to refer to the manual to set Csound options, and you don't get the spiffy little play and stop button toolbar.

The same idea is also available, with much more elaborate options, in the older, also cross-platform, programmable, free software text editor Emacs.

I know Emacs, but I use SciTE because it is simpler. If you know Emacs, you might want to consider using it.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
>From: A B
>Sent: Nov 3, 2007 3:42 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Csound5GUI crash
>Hello, I am pretty new to Csound. I am having some difficulty getting Csound5GUI to work correctly.
>I seem to recall that back when I was trying to teach myself Csound 4.23, the standard Windows GUI would try to indicate where there were errors in the Csound .orc (if it was unable to render). In contrast, Csound5GUI seems to crash/close whenever I make a syntax error in the .orc. Once I fix the error, Csound5GUI renders audio correctly. As I am still learning the language and its limits, it can be quite difficult to know where the error resides!
>I imagine I have missed something very obvious!
>Any help would be much appreciated,
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