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[Csnd] Problems with midinoteoff

Date2007-11-14 19:58
Fromjoachim heintz
Subject[Csnd] Problems with midinoteoff
Hi all -

I have problems with the Opcode "midinoteoff". I expected to get a  
message when RELEASING a key, but I get exactly the same result as  
using "midinoteonkey": the message comes when PRESSING DOWN a key.  
Can anyone try this, too? I'm working on MacOS 10.4 with the PPC  
version of Csound 5.07 and a Korg-Keyboard. (In the Max-Miditester I  
get the correct result: velocity = 0 when releasing the key.)

Thanks in advance -


instr 1
ktaston	init		0
kvelon	init		0
ktastoff	init		0
kveloff	init		0
		midinoteonkey	ktaston, kvelon
		midinoteoff		ktastoff, kveloff
printk2	ktaston
printk2	kvelon
printk2	ktastoff
printk2	kveloff


new alloc for instr 1:
  i1     0.00000
  i1     0.00000
  i1     0.00000
  i1     0.00000
   rtevent:	   T  3.402 TT  3.402 M:      0
new alloc for instr 1:
  i1    60.00000
  i1    84.00000
  i1    60.00000
  i1    84.00000
   rtevent:	   T  6.330 TT  6.330 M:      0
   rtevent:	   T 11.160 TT 11.160 M:      0
  i1    60.00000
  i1    82.00000
  i1    60.00000
  i1    82.00000
(etc ...)