| > I'm looking into distortion designs for a dsp class.
> It seems the JCN megadist on
> http://www.csounds.com/jmc/Processors/Processors.htm are accompanied
> by a pdf with the implemented formula and transfer function,
> but I can not open the pdf, my acrobat reader syas there's something
> wrong with the file.
> Does anyone have a working copy of the file ?
> Josep are you still here ?
Hum... I cannot evet get to www.csounds.com at present
> Also, on the same subject, I would like to look into the source code
> for the distort1 and clip opcodes to see if I can understand how they
> work. I have trouble finding the source code, is there a "map"
> somewhere, telling what files contain the source code for specific
> opcodes ?
The TAGS file gives the best map, but I did write a utility to produce a
reliable map -- just cannot find it at present!
distort1 is in Opcodes/biquad.c
clip is in Opcodes/pitch.c