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[Csnd] My music

Date2008-09-04 14:31
FromMichael Gogins
Subject[Csnd] My music
I have made a number of my compositions available on Sonus: http://www.sonus.ca.

Most of these pieces were made using CsoundAC to generate scores and Csound to render the soundfiles.

Thanks to the Canadian Electroacoustic Community for creating and maintaining this site, and to the Csound community for providing starting points for many of the Csound instruments that I used.


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Csound-devel mailing list

Date2008-09-04 16:56
FromPanos Katergiathis
Subject[Csnd] Build from Source or Install Binary ?
Hello all

I switched from Slackware to Ubuntu (8.04.1) where i see that there are 
pre-built binaries available for installation. Not being a Linux expert 
per se, i was wondering if there is --> any <-- reason whatsoever, to 
build my Csound instead of installing the binaries.



Date2008-09-04 17:27
Subject[Csnd] Re: Build from Source or Install Binary ?
The only reasons to build from sources are
1) there is no prebuilt system
2) one wishes to change or develop sources
3) one is using gentoo
4) it is a while since a release and on needs sone new/fixed stuff
5) one just does that kind of thing

We are planning a release within the next 10 days all being well so 4 is
not the case now.  The Debian package should be OK for Ubuntu

> Hello all
> I switched from Slackware to Ubuntu (8.04.1) where i see that there are
> pre-built binaries available for installation. Not being a Linux expert
> per se, i was wondering if there is --> any <-- reason whatsoever, to
> build my Csound instead of installing the binaries.
> Regards
> Panos
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
> csound"

Date2008-09-04 17:32
FromPanos Katergiathis
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Build from Source or Install Binary ?

I see.
By the way, what release is that?


jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> The only reasons to build from sources are
> 1) there is no prebuilt system
> 2) one wishes to change or develop sources
> 3) one is using gentoo
> 4) it is a while since a release and on needs sone new/fixed stuff
> or
> 5) one just does that kind of thing
> We are planning a release within the next 10 days all being well so 4 is
> not the case now.  The Debian package should be OK for Ubuntu
> ==John
>> Hello all
>> I switched from Slackware to Ubuntu (8.04.1) where i see that there are
>> pre-built binaries available for installation. Not being a Linux expert
>> per se, i was wondering if there is --> any <-- reason whatsoever, to
>> build my Csound instead of installing the binaries.
>> Regards
>> Panos
>> Send bugs reports to this list.
>> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe
>> csound"
> Send bugs reports to this list.
> To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound"

Date2008-09-04 17:40
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Build from Source or Install Binary ?
> I see.
> By the way, what release is that?
> Panos

Version 5.09
We are preparing it now.  There is a beta available of the sources for the
people who cannot wait.  Two of teh developers have been at ICMC and DAFx
so it was delayed until next week.

==John ff

Date2008-09-04 20:23
FromFelipe Sateler
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Build from Source or Install Binary ?

Date2008-09-04 21:51
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Build from Source or Install Binary ?
I think Victor is getting together a 64bit binary for osx, but right  
now if you're on mac and in need of double precision then you need to  
build from source.


On 4 Sep 2008, at 20:23, Felipe Sateler wrote:

> El 04/09/08 12:27 jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk escribió:
>> The only reasons to build from sources are
>> 1) there is no prebuilt system
>> 2) one wishes to change or develop sources
>> 3) one is using gentoo
>> 4) it is a while since a release and on needs sone new/fixed stuff
>> or
>> 5) one just does that kind of thing
> 6) the prebuilt binaries don't contain some needed functionality  
> (stk opcodes,
> vst, whatever).
> Saludos,
> Felipe Sateler

Date2008-09-04 21:59
Frompeiman khosravi
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Build from Source or Install Binary ?
I see that you're on linux, not sure if there is a prebuilt 64bit  
available for your platform or not, but if so then I'd recommend it :-)


On 4 Sep 2008, at 20:23, Felipe Sateler wrote:

> El 04/09/08 12:27 jpff@cs.bath.ac.uk escribió:
>> The only reasons to build from sources are
>> 1) there is no prebuilt system
>> 2) one wishes to change or develop sources
>> 3) one is using gentoo
>> 4) it is a while since a release and on needs sone new/fixed stuff
>> or
>> 5) one just does that kind of thing
> 6) the prebuilt binaries don't contain some needed functionality  
> (stk opcodes,
> vst, whatever).
> Saludos,
> Felipe Sateler

Date2008-09-05 20:13
From"Steven Yi"
Subject[Csnd] Re: [Cs-dev] My music

Date2009-02-25 18:53
From"Anthony Palomba"
Subject[Csnd] Strange segmentation error...
I have a simple insturment that is calling midic7 to fill in
some variables. When ever I try to execute the code below,
I get the following error: "Csound tidy up: Segmentation violation".

When I remove the sections that call midic7 it seems to play.
I made sure I was using a proper MIDI port. Does anyone have 
any ideas why it might be doing that?

I am running Csound 5.10...

; Initialize the global variables.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

massign 0, 0 ; Disable default MIDI assignments.
massign 1, 1 ; Assign MIDI channel 1 to instr 1.

; Initialize MIDI control values. 
initc7 1, 1, 0
initc7 1, 2, .5
initc7 1, 3, .25
initc7 1, 4, .2

kvib init 0
iCps init 400
iAmp init 30000 

; Simple ocsil instrument 
instr 1

 ; our in put signals
 ;ainL inch 1
 ;ainR inch 2

iCps cpsmidi
iAmp veloc 0, 30000

 ; Read in MIDI cc's as normalized [0,1] values.
 iAtk midic7 1, 0, 1
 iDec midic7 2, 0, 1
 iSus midic7 3, 0, 1
 iRel midic7 4, 0, 1
 ; Make the MIDI knobs behave exponentially by squaring,
 ; then multiply by max length in seconds.
 iAtk = iAtk * iAtk * 3 + .001
 iDec = iDec * iDec * 3 + .001
 iSus = iSus * iSus + .001
 iRel = iRel * iRel * 4 + .001

  ; generate our compisite signal
 a1 oscili 5000, 400, 1
 outch 1, a1, 2, a1


; Table #1, a sine wave.
f 1 0 128 10 1

; Play Instrument #1 for two seconds.
; 1 0 86400
i 1 0 3