| This is all perfectly correct.
Csound installs no files elsewhere than in its own installation directory. The installer sets a few environment variables and creates a startup menu, and these are more or less removed on uninstallation along with the whole installation directory.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Art Hunkins
>Sent: Sep 23, 2008 4:27 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Version 5.09 released
>I'll let Michael handle this in depth, but this is my understanding of the
>1) if you want Python, it handles Python/Csound interfacing for you:
>2) it installs the necessary compatible environment variables.
>Assuming one doesn't want Python, there is nonetheless the issue of getting
>the environment variables set right. You either must set them globally, or
>locally (through running a batch file). Or, if you place everything you need
>in a *single* directory and run from there, and have *no* global settings,
>Csound will also run.
>With a full, normal setup, however, setting the environment is crucial -
>especially setting OPCODEDIR.
>For beginning users, getting the environment right is one of the major
>issues, creating major frustration. For them, the installer is a godsend.
>OTOH, uninstalling is simple; it just erases the Csound directories and the
>environment variables. AFAIK, there is no adding of files elsewhere. I, for
>one, am happy that Csound does not create havoc with the rest of my system.
>It's basically self-contained (or *can* be).
>Art Hunkins
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Panos Katergiathis"
>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:54 PM
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Version 5.09 released
>> Art Hunkins wrote:
>>> I'm wide open to ideas/feedback (and will do *nothing* without
>>> substantial encouragement).
>> Measured in hundreds of begging e-mail messages ? :)
>> Seriously, i may be wrong but your question can be reversed: what is the
>> point in providing an installer? What purpose does it serve?
>> Windows users (myself included) always think of "installed" software, as
>> software that has installed hundreds of dll files, in hundreds of possible
>> locations, accompanied by hundreds of registry entries. Therefore, as
>> software that can not be un-installed.
>> Perhaps, Csound does not follow the rule.. perhaps uninstalling it only
>> means that one can delete the related directory, and that is it?
>> Do as you will (i would think that it wouldn't be too difficult to provide
>> that zip file). Also, someone please remove that "Beta" indicator, or
>> provide some explanation on its purpose (it only appears on Windows, not
>> Mac nor Linux).
>> Many thanks
>> Panos
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