Please tell me I've lost my mind and am doing something completely stupid!
I've managed to narrow the problem down to one sine-tone after hours of
striping my orchestra.
For some reason when I run the attached csd I get a click right at the end.
However, increasing ksmps from 1 to 16 gets rid of the glitch. This is
strange as the envelope is k-rate and should only get better with higher
control rate.
I'm on csound64....
Any suggestions will save me hours of head-banging!
All the best
0dbfs = 1
instr 4
;p4 = freq
;p5 = pitch transpose (in cent)
;p6 = gain scale
;p7 = panner initial phase
itablecreate ftgen 0, 0, 65537, -7, 0.0, 12837.14453125, 0.020270288,
9627.859375, 0.0405405164, 5067.29296875, 0.0743243098, 3378.1953125,
0.1216216087, 3716.015625, 0.2432432175, 3209.28515625, 0.3581081033,
3547.109375, 0.6013513803, 2026.91796875, 0.8040540218, 1013.45703125,
0.9662162066, 1520.18359375, 0.8783783913, 844.5546875, 0.6621621847,
2533.64453125, 0.3783783913, 2702.5546875, 0.2364864945, 2533.6484375,
0.0945945978, 3616.171875, 0.0427509546, 7362.96484375, 0.0
ktime = .1
igain = p6
iscale = cent(p5)
kfreq0 = p4
kamp0 = .1
kenv oscili kamp0*igain,1/p3,itablecreate
ar oscili kenv, kfreq0*iscale, 1
kpan oscili 1,.3 , 1, p7
kpan = kpan + .5
aoutl = ar * (1 - kpan)
aoutr = ar * kpan
out aoutl, aoutr
f 1 0 32769 10 1
t 0 60.0
i4.0 2.558442 20.3125 440 0 1.0 0.55980074
http://www.nabble.com/file/p19577988/test.csd test.csd
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