| That sounds like a good fix for this problem. Thanks for the tip.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Art Hunkins
>Sent: Sep 16, 2008 2:10 PM
>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: 5.09 Windows float installer anomoly
>Hi, Michael,
>Thanks for the clarifications and suggestions.
>I had forgotten that installing new versions of Csound produces an
>environment variable that points to its new .csoundrc file. And this is the
>real problem I've faced.
>As a result, even if all the required files for an older version are present
>in the older folder I'm running in, that new version .csoundrc file creates
>all the errors I've detailed.
>This is one reason why I've always preferred a .zip distribution that did
>not auto-set environment variables. (One as an *alternative* to the
>installer, not a replacement.)
>In any case, I prefer not to have environment variables, and to include all
>my flags in .
>To keep the .csoundrc file from changing Csound defaults, I see that I can
>have my "installer cake" and eat it too by simply including a blank
>.csoundrc file in my home directory(ies). That works fine - and I don't have
>to worry about which versions of Csound I might install later.
>Art Hunkins
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Michael Gogins"
>Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:29 AM
>Subject: [Csnd] Re: 5.09 Windows float installer anomoly
>> You need to set up separate environments for your different Csound
>> installations. If you do this, you will have no trouble running as many
>> versions of Csound or your other software on the same computer as you
>> like.
>> There are several ways of doing this, but the easiest way is use batch
>> files that first set the required environment variables, then launch
>> Csound or another application that you want to run in that environment,
>> then "pause" so you can see what happened if it didn't work.
>> If your default environment has the wrong OPCODEDIR, in your batch file
>> environment you can simply reset it. This will not affect the default
>> environnent, just the "local" environment.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>>>From: Art Hunkins
>>>Sent: Sep 15, 2008 11:24 PM
>>>To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
>>>Subject: [Csnd] 5.09 Windows float installer anomoly
>>>Unusual new behavior upon doing above install.
>>>I have a special pared-down version of of Csound 5.06 installed in a
>>>folder, with my .csd files running (in Lettuce) completely within this
>>>folder. No environment variables are needed or desired. Everything works
>>>I install 5.09 from the installer in a different location, complete
>>>(unfortunately) with a set of environment variables. These variables,
>>>especially OPCODEDIR, prevent my 5.06 system from running. The 5.09
>>>environment variables take over, look for everything in the 5.09 folders,
>>>and tell me everything is an incompatible version. (I expect that it's
>>>OPCODEDIR pointing to 5.09.)
>>>To my knowledge this never happened before. The environment variables did
>>>*not* "take over" my self-contained 5.06 installation.
>>>I really need to be able to run from a single folder regardless of what
>>>other Csound installations may be on a given machine, or regardless of
>>>the environment variables are (I'm in XP here).
>>>My understanding is that first Csound looks for everything in the current
>>>directory, and only if it does not find what it needs there, looks
>>>(according to environment variables). This does not seem to be happening
>>>with 5.09.
>>>Please someone (Michael?) straighten me out.
>>>Art Hunkins
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