| Very true, with pconvolve you can mimick convolve, too, by
setting psize = impulsize. The only downside with small partitions
is that the process is more costly (as you approach time-domain
convolution, rather than a fast freq-domain process).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Dobson"
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:25 AM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: opcode convolve
> Because the audio input is analysed on the fly. It might in principle be a
> real-time audio stream, not coming from a file at all. The classic
> application is reverb, using a pre-analysed impulse response of a hall,
> tank, bathroom, whatever, and convolving the audio input coming from your
> live recording. Of course the long latency in this case is a major
> limitation, and the newer pconvolve opcode would be much preferred; apart
> from using "partioned convolution" with very much reduced latency, it
> works in exactly the same way.
> Richard Dobson
> Federico Vanni wrote:
>> ok, but...
>> why only one analysis instead of two?
>> fv
>> Il giorno 10/set/08, alle ore 21:48, victor ha scritto:
>>> one of the analyses is done by the utility cvanal. The spectrum
>>> is then stored and is read by convolve.
>>> Victor
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