| Hello Mac Csounders,
I have put together a test package of the Csound installer built for OS X
10.5 "Leopard" (PPC) based on the 5.09 release. I would like get some
feedback on this package before the 5.10 release (scheduled for Dec. 22) so
that I can correct any installation problems before then. So, if there are
any brave Leopard users out there who do not mind overwriting their existing
Csound installation, I would greatly appreciate your help.
You do not have to have a PowerPC Mac, I think that you could try this on an
Intel Mac too. I will eventually build either a separate Intel installer or
a universal binary installer after the 5.10 release.
The primary advantages of this package should be working Python interface
and Python opcodes on Leopard. Also, I've built a slightly different set of
features than Victor does. I would especially appreciate feedback on
whether these features are functional: Python API interface, Python
opcodes, Java API interface, FLTK opcodes, STK opcodes, fluidsynth opcodes,
OSC opcodes, csLADSPA plugin, real-time Midi, MacCsound, CsoundAC,
tclcsound, and the Lua interface (if you have Lua installed).
Here is the download:
Thanks very much!!
Anthony Kozar
mailing-lists-1001 AT anthonykozar DOT net
P.S. I will post a package with the full source code for the above binaries
including all of the extra libraries to this directory soon: