You definitely need kr=sr (ksmps=1) for feedback to work. I also think this
filter equation
ia = 2
aoutput = ainput-((2/ia)*cos(iw))*aprev1+((1/ia)^2)*aprev2
is unstable. If you are trying to do a 2nd-order allpole resonator,
then your coefficients signs are wrong. It should be
y[n] = x[n] +2Rcos(w)y[n-1] - (R^2)y[n-2]
also note that with sharp resonances (R close to 1), the filter might
be very loud. With R=0.5 you won't get much of an effect. In addition
your input signal does not have much amplitude (1).
At 22:41 07/12/2008, you wrote:
>Is anyone familiar with IIR filter implementation in Csound? I've
>attached code for what I think is a recursive difference equation
>(following instrument 2010 from the Csound Book). I've used
>coefficients which should put a pole pair at approx. +/-2khz,
>within the unit circle (|z| = 1/2). So the filter should be stable,
>but when I run the code, it blows up. Any clue on what is
>wrong? I'm running the floats version of csound, but in any
>case, the poles are far enough from the unit circle that
>coefficient errors shouldn't really matter, I think... -Nik Send
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Victor Lazzarini
Music Technology Laboratory
Music Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth