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Re: [Csnd] Release of Csound6 Android app for Csound 6.03.2

Date2014-05-23 09:28
From"Vincent Michalke"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Release of Csound6 Android app for Csound 6.03.2
I think the problem is that the app doesn't have permission to access the network.

Michael Gogins <michael.gogins@gmail.com> schrieb:
I have uploaded to SourceForge a new build of the Csound6 app for Android based on Csound 6.03.2. This now includes the scanned synthesis opcodes and, theoretically, the OSC opcodes which built and installed but, for me, seem invariably to crash the phone.

I also have uploaded an archive of examples for the app, Csound6AndroidExamples.zip, which feature a scanned synthesis example and some rudimentary OSC tests.

Please let me know if you manage to get OSC to work or if you have any other problems.


Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com