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Re: [Csnd] Fw: Current Viability of FLTK

Date2013-09-08 20:23
From"Art Hunkins"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fw: Current Viability of FLTK
Thanks for this comprehensive response.
My intended use of FLTK widgets is only to preset certain variables, converting them to i-time as instruments are instantiated via an FLbutton (Start/Stop actual performance). All the k-rate stuff is done with MIDI controllers. Typically, if a "preset" change is desired, the instruments are stopped (again via the Stop/Start FLbutton), "preset" variables are changed, then the instruments reinstantiated.
So I can assume that, from the console, this use of FLTK would be no problem for any of the major platforms. Correct?
Yes, I am aware that Gabariel Maldenado is no longer a developer. Back when CsoundAV was active, I coded all my Csound works for CsoundAV. At the time, however, I was always a bit unhappy to limit performances of these compositions to the Windows platform. The fact that the FLTK is now incorporated into all platforms, enabling a GUI without front end dependencies, is very attractive to me. Gabriel's widgets were very extensive, worked well, and were always far more than I've ever needed.
Art Hunkins
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2013 3:18 AM
Subject: RE: [Csnd] Fw: Current Viability of FLTK

Hi Art,

FLTK works on all platforms. Aside from issues when using it with some frontends, the only real issue when run from the command line is the possibility for FLTK interaction to interrupt realtime audio. This isn't generally a problem on Windows or Linux but is a real problem on OSX. For this reason FLTK widgets cannot be recommended for realtime performance on OSX. The chances of audio interruption are increased if larger interfaces with greater numbers of widgets are created (your simple test example will be unlikely to cause problems), or if widgets are updated at a high rate from within the orchestra (for example by using FLsetVal or FLprintk2).

FLTK is retained in Csound for backwards compatibility but is also useful for simple cross-platform, front-end independent demonstrations and for people who want some GUI from the command line. For critical realtime performance work where a lot of interaction with widgets is expected, CsoundQt, Cabbage or Blue might be preferrable. It is unliklely that FLTK within Csound will be expanded or improved upon as the developer who added most of it has left the project.


> From: abhunkin@uncg.edu
> To: csound@lists.bath.ac.uk
> Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2013 19:09:09 -0400
> Subject: [Csnd] Fw: Current Viability of FLTK
> I'd really like to hear from Linux and OSX users about whether FLTK can be
> counted on to work on your systems.
> As Michael G. says (thanks, Mike), FLTK works fine from the command line in
> Windows (XP on).
> If you'd like a simple FLTKTest .csd, I've included one below. It should
> display a small GUI with a Start/Stop button and a counter, which changes
> value each time you click on one of its arrows. (The initial value displayed
> is 5.) However, the new count only appears *on the Csound console output*
> when the FLbutton is turned on (a yellow light appears).
> I'd much appreciate some reports from various Linux and OSX systems. TIA.
> Art Hunkins
> <CsoundSynthesizer>
> <CsOptions>
> -odac -d
> </CsOptions>
> <CsInstruments>
> sr = 44100
> kr = 2205
> ksmps = 20
> nchnls = 1
> FLpanel "FLTK Test", 300, 80, 100, 100
> gkb,i0 FLbutton "Start/Stop", 1, 0, 2, 100, 30, 30, 20, -1
> gk1,i1 FLcount "Counter", 0, 10, 1, 1, 2, 113, 30, 155, 20, -1
> FLsetVal_i 5, i1
> FLpanelEnd
> FLrun
> instr 1
> knon trigger gkb, 0, 0
> knoff trigger gkb, 1, 1
> schedkwhen knon, 0, 0, 2, 0, -1
> schedkwhen knoff, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0
> endin
> instr 2
> printk2 gk1
> endin
> </CsInstruments>
> <CsScore>
> i1 0 3600
> e
> </CsScore>
> </CsoundSynthesizer>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Art Hunkins" <abhunkin@uncg.edu>
> To: <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
> Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 1:46 PM
> Subject: Current Viability of FLTK
> > I'd like advice as to the current viability of FLTK opcodes on reasonably
> > current versions of the three major platforms.
> >
> > The last time I heard there were lingering (unresolved?) issues with Macs.
> >
> > Are any issues limited to specific opcodes, or do they render FLTK useless
> > on a particular OS?
> >
> > Art Hunkins
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