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Re: [Csnd] Current Viability of FLTK

Date2013-09-18 08:58
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Current Viability of FLTK

Win XP with Csound 6 from sourceforge installer (Setup_Csound_6.00.1.exe just downloaded):

1) With -M0 flag it does not print messages in the console.

2) Commenting -M0 program does not start and Csound complains that are some missing options in the command line.

I did a couple addional tests:


Adding in instr 1:

print p3

printk2 gkb

and none of them provide output in console.


Removed all the FLTK GUI code;

added the following at the beginning of instr 1:

gkb init 0

print p1

printk2 gkb

added the following at the end of instr 1:

gkb = gkb + 1
commented the line "printk2 gk1" in instr 2
and again nothing gets printed.


----Messaggio originale----
Da: abhunkin@uncg.edu
Data: 17/09/2013 21.36
A: <csound@lists.bath.ac.uk>
Ogg: Re: [Csnd] Current Viability of FLTK

I continue to be perplexed by why FLTK doesn't communicate with Csound6 under Windows XP with MIDI (-M0 specified in CsOptions).  I've tried this combination on three XP machines with no joy. The combination works with Windows 7, and earlier versions of Csound(5) also work as expected.
On Windows XP with the latest Csound5 installer (Setup_Csound_6.00.1.exe 2013-09-04) the attached FLTKTest.csd works as expected without the -M0 flag (in CsOptions), but *not with* the flag.
The expected behavior from the console, is for an rtevent to be displayed when the FLTK button is pressed, and for a new value of the FLTK counter to be displayed *only when the FLTK button is "on"*.
I'd much appreciate it if anyone with a Windows XP *or Vista* installation and with Csound6.00.1 installed, could let me know whether FLTKTest.csd runs propearly from the console or not. You should not even need a MIDI controller to test the -M0 flag. If the console simply informs you that you don't have a MIDI device attached, this counts as a success.
Art Hunkins