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[Csnd] cSound 5.19 vs csound 6?

Date2013-09-20 22:53
FromArthur Pirika
Subject[Csnd] cSound 5.19 vs csound 6?
Hello, just wondering, is cSound 6 considered stable now? or are people 
still sticking with the older release for now.

also, does someone have a windows build of ngen 2.1.1 available? I tried 
contacting the author, but his e-mail form seems to be broken at the moment.


Date2013-09-20 23:25
FromJacques Leplat
SubjectRe: [Csnd] cSound 5.19 vs csound 6?
Version 6 is working fine for me on OsX and Android. All issues I have encountered have been addressed. You should try out version 6, if you have problems, post them here. This forum is backed by a dedicated group of friendly and knowledgeable people (not me yet, but I can dream!).

The important point to remember is that version 6 is actively supported, and version 5 I believe is not likely to get any further releases.

All the best,


> On 20 Sep 2013, at 22:53, Arthur Pirika  wrote:
> Hello, just wondering, is cSound 6 considered stable now? or are people still sticking with the older release for now.
> also, does someone have a windows build of ngen 2.1.1 available? I tried contacting the author, but his e-mail form seems to be broken at the moment.
> Thanks,
> Arthur
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