| Greetings,
Next week, Friday February 6th, the Sweetwater Electroacoustic Music
Concert Series will feature the incredible audio/visusal work of Dr.
Sylvia Pengilly. Sylvia has in many ways defined the Visual Music genre
with her multi-dimensional, geometrically oriented audio/visual magic.
She uses ideas from string theory and mathematical paradigms to elicit
incredibly complex and yet inviting evolving worlds of visual as well as
auditory delight from her computer.
Sylvia will not only be presenting many of her visual music works but
also will be giving brief talks about how she creates them. She will be
demonstrating the use of Artmatic Pro and Max/MSP. These talks will
appeal to both the novice and the accomplished audio/video artist. She
will also be performing her latest composition, Patchworks, using a
headband that senses her brainwaves and converts them into data which
she then uses to create and manipulate both musical and visual elements.
If you are at all interested in computer generated audio/visual art this
is a concert you will not want to miss.
When: Friday February 6 at 8:00 pm
Where: The Sweetwater Performance Theater
5501 US Highway 30 W
Fort Wayne Indiana
Cost: Free
This concert is free to all and the public is encouraged to attend.
Apologies for cross postings