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[Csnd] [OT] Teaching Music, DSP and Csound

Date2009-01-07 21:07
Subject[Csnd] [OT] Teaching Music, DSP and Csound
Some of you may know that I teach a final year course to Computer
Scientists and Mathematicians (with the occasional Physicist) every
year.  This year's course has just finished, and for the first time
the students had to submit some music.

The course web site is http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/jpff/CM30142/

and some of the music submissions are at

So far about a third of the students have allowed distribution ; this
may increase when they read their e-mail

I would appreciate any comments (to me by e-mail).

==John ffitch

Date2009-01-08 14:25
From"Rory Walsh"
Subject[Csnd] Re: [OT] Teaching Music, DSP and Csound

Date2009-01-08 15:43
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: [OT] Teaching Music, DSP and Csound
For all students this was the first Csound piece as far as I can tell;
some had written pieces before but most had not.  I gave a very short
introduction and pointed at csounds.com

I played them lots of stuff, largely but not totally, Csound.

As I said these are CS students, and this is the only "musical" course in
the university.


 Hi John and happy new year. I hope you're not too bogged down with
> corrections and what not. These sound great, can I ask what experience
> the students had with Csound before attempting this assignment? I'm
> just going through some of my second year submissions, once I have
> them corrected I'll post a few of them online. It's nice to hear what
> students from different universities are producing, thanks for
> sharing.
> Rory.
> 2009/1/7 jpff :
>> Some of you may know that I teach a final year course to Computer
>> Scientists and Mathematicians (with the occasional Physicist) every
>> year.  This year's course has just finished, and for
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Date2009-01-08 16:25
From"Rory Walsh"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: [OT] Teaching Music, DSP and Csound