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[Csnd] [ANNOUNCE] surmulot (alpha) for linux

Date2009-01-06 18:49
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subject[Csnd] [ANNOUNCE] surmulot (alpha) for linux
Hello list,

I just uploaded a first attempt at a linux distribution of Surmulot, 
which is the integration of all my code for musical composition:

The tarball is there:

It has been packaged and tested in the latest Xubuntu running in Virtualbox.

- install a recent emacs, a recent csound, sox and optionaly timidity in 
your system (in Debian/Ubuntu, it is straightforward via apt-get)
- unpack the archive anywhere, navigate to the spfa/ subdirectory and 
launch the "start emacs" executable script (you may also try "start 
surmulot" for the full experience).

Emacs should open with a welcome buffer from where several links will 
help you navigate in the system and its documentation.

Try the following demos:

- CSD composition with embedded MIDI
- CSD composition with graphical envelope editing
- CSD composition with sound wave editing
- CSD composition with orchestra diagrams

... they will show you how to edit musical data right into csound-x via 
graphical morphic GUIs.

The "CSD composition with orchestra diagrams" demo shows how to 
integrate graphical orchestra diagrams within a CSD.
(CsoundBlocks is now a part of Surmulot: 

This is the first attempt of mine to release software for linux; please 
report any problem, or lack of.

I'm particularly interested in feedback about the look and feel of the 
overall system since it is rather sluggish and cumbersome in my virtual 
linux (running in a very average laptop). Hopefully it should be a snap 
in a real OS, please confirm :)


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Date2009-01-06 21:19
From"Andres Cabrera"
Subject[Csnd] Re: [ANNOUNCE] surmulot (alpha) for linux
AttachmentsNone  Surmulot.png  

Date2009-01-06 22:20
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: [ANNOUNCE] surmulot (alpha) for linux
> Very nice!!! So versatile it's quite daunting...  It ran without a
> hitch (aparently) on Ubuntu 8.04. I'm attaching a screenshot.

thanks !

> You should include a more recent manual, the one you have looks quite old...

oh yes, there is a lot to document.

note that some documentation is already available within muO, from the 
main menu (right-click in the background), submenu "live documentation".

thanks for testing !


Date2009-01-06 23:45
From"Andres Cabrera"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: [ANNOUNCE] surmulot (alpha) for linux

Date2009-01-07 09:22
FromStéphane Rollandin
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: [ANNOUNCE] surmulot (alpha) for linux
> Yes, but I mean the csound manual you are bundling.

ah yes, right, this one lags behind... actually surmulot had better use 
whatever manual is present in your system. on the to do list...

