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[Csnd] More vagueness about csound state changes

Date2019-01-17 21:17
Subject[Csnd] More vagueness about csound state changes
I start my csd with ctcsound. Around 5 seconds running I trigger a call 
to setScoreOffsetSeconds(12):
The score pointer goes to 12 seconds, and continues playing as described 
in the comment for setScoreOffsetSeconds.
The output shows:

time advanced 152112.000 beats by score request

But when I do the same and trigger a call to setScoreOffsetSeconds(1) - 
so going back in time: the pointer goes to 1 second but the sound stops!
Also, this is printed in the output:

end of section 1     sect peak amps:  0.59167  0.03978
time advanced 44100.000 beats by score request

1) this is not beats, but the number of samples!

2) why does setScoreOffsetSeconds behave differently when I go forward 
or back in time?

3) has this been tested at all? If so, what is the expected result?

4) the following functions from ctcsound add to the confusion:

     def setScoreOffsetSeconds(self, time):
         """Csound score events prior to the specified time are not 

         Performance begins immediately at the specified time (real-time 
         will continue to be performed as they are received). Can be used by
         external software, such as a VST host, to begin score performance
         midway through a Csound score, for example to repeat a loop in a
         sequencer, or to synchronize other events with the Csound score.
         libcsound.csoundSetScoreOffsetSeconds(self.cs, MYFLT(time))

     def rewindScore(self):
         """Rewinds a compiled Csound score.

         It is rewinded to the time specified with setScoreOffsetSeconds().

It looks like rewindScore is needed after setScoreOffsetSeconds, but 
when I do that, the section also ends when I advance the time...


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Date2019-01-21 19:32
SubjectRe: [Csnd] More vagueness about csound state changes
Anyone ? I think I posed some clear questions and pointed out some bugs...


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Date2019-03-16 08:52
SubjectRe: [Csnd] More vagueness about csound state changes
I put my Csound DAW project (https://github.com/zappfinger/OscCtcSound) on
hold because of the problems I reported. I do not have time to look into it
deeper right now, maybe later.
My time is limited now because recently I have been asked by my friend
Floris Kolvenbach to do the stage mix of his new band on the 50th
anniversary of Pinkpop, a well known Dutch festival.


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