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[Csnd] sensekey and Linux/OLPC

Date2009-01-09 04:22
From"Art Hunkins"
Subject[Csnd] sensekey and Linux/OLPC
I continue to have issues of extremely heavy CPU usage with ASCII keyboard 
input on the OLPC.

In Windows, there is a *modest* CPU penalty incurred with keyboard input 
(via sensekey), but with Linux/OLPC it is major.

Of course, the OLPC prints the sensekey input to the console, whereas 
Windows does not, and this may well be part of the problem.

Indeed if one watches CPU usage via top in Linux, you can see usage jump 
significantly (both overall and within Csound) with keyboard input.

Can someone have a look at sensekey to determine:
1) if there's any way of keeping it from printing to the terminal (in 
Linux); 2) if there's any other way in which Linux overhead could be 
minimized with ASCII input?

The penalty is so bad that I may not be able to use sensekey messaging with 
the OLPC, but rather use only MIDI controllers - which require no such 
overhead at all.

Art Hunkins

Date2009-01-09 06:31
From"Brian Redfern"
Subject[Csnd] Re: sensekey and Linux/OLPC

Date2009-01-09 12:42
From"Andres Cabrera"
Subject[Csnd] Re: sensekey and Linux/OLPC