| Hello, Csounders,
I wonder whether display is working correctly. There is already a problem with the manual (Csound5), since the same argument is explained in two very different ways (see below).
Then, when trying to display (without X11) an audio variable, such as:
sr= 44100
kr= 44100
ksmps= 1
nchnls= 1
instr 1; *****************************************************************
a1 poscil 32767, 1000.0, 1
display a1, 1.0
out a1
f1 0 4097 9 1 1 0
i1 0 1
nothing is shown on the terminal (whereas with k-variables it is all right). Have I misunderstood the way display works, or is this due to not having installed X11?
Thanks a lot.
displayxsig, iprd [, inprds] [, iwtflg]
iprd-- the period of display in seconds.
inprds(optional, default=1) -- Number of display periods retained in each display graph. A value of
2 or more will provide a larger perspective of the signal motion. The default value is 1 (each graph
completely new).
inprds(optional, default=1) -- a scaling factor for the displayed waveform, controlling how many
iprd-sized frames of samples are drawn in the window (the default and minimum value is 1.0).
Higher inprds values are slower to draw (more points to draw) but will show the waveform scrolling
through the window, which is useful with low iprd values.
iwtflg(optional, default=0) -- wait flag. If non-zero, each display is held until released by the user.
The default value is 0 (no wait).