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Date2014-07-20 09:38
FromEnrico Francioni
Acusmatiq 9.0 - Festival Onde   
25/26/27 July, 2014 
Mole Vanvitelliana Ancona (Italy)

Wireless concert on boats 
Banchina Lazzabaretto
Friday, July 25, 2014, 19:00 

Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007) SOLO for melody instrument with feedback - 
Universal Edition
first performance with the  SOLO [Nr.19]
   app (One-man
performance) **

written by Enrico Francioni and moved on iOs, iPad, iPhone and iPod by 

VERSION I by Enrico Francioni, for double bass (dur. 10 ': 39 ") 
VERSION II by Laura Muncaciu, for soprano (dur. 12 ': 49 ") 
VERSION I by Gianpaolo Antongirolami, for saxophone (dur. 10 ': 39 ") 
collective improvisation 


Marche Music Tech Workshop2:
Performance "Waterfront" and "Deep Profundis" 
Saturday, July 26, 2014, 16:30 
Sala Bianca 

Enrico Francioni: “SOLO [Nr.19]” per iPad e iPhone 
Alessandro Petrolati   :
Applicazioni iOS con Xcode 
Leonardo Gabrielli: WeMUST, sfide e potenzialità del wireless nella
performance musicale 
Davide Mancini: L’interfaccia Brainwaves BC1 e l’esperienza SOUNDMACHINES 

Moderator: prof. Stefano Squartini,  Università Politecnica delle Marche


Enrico Francioni   

**  first release: scheduled for July 25, 2014

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