Sorry I don't have a complete list. I mainly use the O2with the XO. I
agree with you about some of the problems with Trigger Finger.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 22, 2008, at 1:27 PM, "Art Hunkins" wrote:
> This is good to know, Rick.
> Cross the roll-up keyboard off the list.
> I've the Trigger Finger as well (actually, I've got *very many*
> control surfaces). Well built, portable, relatively impervious to
> dust and dirt. One drawback (no doubt shared by many units): those
> four *slider* knobs come off *very easily*. Interestingly, the 8
> *pot* knobs are very snug.
> Unfortunately for my needs, 8 pots and 4 sliders; I come up 4 short
> (I need 16).
> A comment regarding the Trigger Finger (drum) pads: I find pads a
> poor substitute as triggers for both buttons and keys. Both of the
> latter trigger reliably; a light touch on a pad may or may not. And
> pads sometimes double-hit. In addition, I find the velocity
> sensitivity of pads pretty useless; keys are better. Neither give
> the level of sensitivity I usually find useful, however.
> If I needed to use a pad in connection with amplitude info, I'd use
> a slider (or pot) to specify amplitude and just use the pad as a
> trigger. (One of my versions of "What's in a Name?" does just that.)
> Rick, any further suggestions? As a matter of fact, would you maybe
> have a list of MIDI controllers (USB) that work with XO?
> Art Hunkins
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dr. Richard Boulanger" >
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 10:05 AM
> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: Re: Recommended MIDI devices (USB) for
>> M-Audio Trigger Finger works with XO
>> The roll up USB (which I own) does not
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 22, 2008, at 9:40 AM, "Art Hunkins" wrote:
>>> Thanks, folks, for the recommendations.
>>> David, this would seem excellent when MIDI notes were required. I
>>> wonder whether these rolled-up keyboard are "plug and play
>>> (notes)" or whether they require software to be installed?
>>> Such a keyboard nicely addresses portability plus "keeping the
>>> dust/ dirt out." Crucial. I expect that all other MIDI keyboards
>>> would have a problem with dirt/dust.
>>> Actually, I've solved the keyboard problem by using the (OLPC)
>>> ASCII keyboard with sensekey. That works well. (I don't need
>>> notes, just on/off buttons.)
>>> What I'm really looking for is a 16-pot or slider control
>>> surface. Does anyone know of a unit that would be impervious to
>>> dust/dirt in problem environments? (I can't think of any.)
>>> I note how much more expensive MIDI foot controllers seem to be
>>> than table-top control surfaces. I presume most of the cost is in
>>> rugged construction, keeping dependability high (given rough
>>> treatment) and dust/dirt low.
>>> Art Hunkins
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "David Akbari"
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 10:01 PM
>>> Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Recommended MIDI devices (USB) for OLPC
>>>> Why don't you try something like this:
>>>> http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-134-49-en-70-28xz.html
>>>> You can just roll it up and take it with you and the OLPC.
>>>> -David
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