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[Csnd] new cSound music available

Date2008-07-16 04:17
From"Saturnin Sektor"
Subject[Csnd] new cSound music available

Date2008-07-17 20:20
FromAnthony Kozar
Subject[Csnd] Re: new cSound music available

Thanks very much for sharing your very interesting music with all of us!  I
have listened to several of the pieces so far and am downloading the others.
It is very generous of you to share the entire album in MP3, OGG and FLAC
formats along with your Csound files.  I enjoy looking at the source files
for other people's music because it really helps me understand what is going

I am enjoying the mix of different styles on your album very much.  You
combine "classic" electronic tones (amp mod. and ring mod.) with musique
concrete and modern-sounding DSP -- all in all a very creative and somewhat
eclectic style.  And I love the combination of cosmological and
Lovecraftian-inspired backstories for the pieces!

In the same spirit of openly sharing music and Csound resources, most of my
computer-based music has been on the web for a while now too.  Feel free to
browse or download it if you haven't already.

Again, thanks for sharing.


Anthony Kozar
mailing-lists-1001 AT anthonykozar DOT net

Saturnin Sektor wrote on 7/15/08 11:17 PM:

> I have recently updated my website with samples, SCO/ORC/CSD files,
> etc. for a collection of new music created in large part in cSound.
> In fact, high quality (FLAC, etc.) versions of all songs on the CD can
> be downloaded from archive.org as well.  A main source of learning and
> inspiration has been from those who have shared the music, CSDs, etc.
> in the same way, and so I seek to repay and contribute to the cSound
> community in kind.