| Similarly, I'm also partial to 'pure synthesis', even though I
sometimes use recorded sounds as a starting point to further
----- Original Message -----
From: "jpff"
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 6:37 PM
Subject: [Csnd] Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: about the synthesis on an excellent
sound found in freesound.
>>>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Sanger writes:
> Joseph> What I'd really like to know is: Are there any other "pure
> synthesis"
> Joseph> composers/designers on the list, and can people point to any
> examples of
> Joseph> interesting, emotive, exciting... er... good..., music which is
> entirely
> Joseph> synthesised, with no "real sound sampling" used in the composition
> Joseph> process? (Examples which are free to listen to, of course!).
> Most of my music is pure synthesis; whether it is good, exciting,
> interesting,... is subjective. Some of these are on the csounds.com
> site.
> I think Mike Gogin's stuff is pure, good, emotive and exciting. Seek
> it out on ruccas or CDBaby
> ==John ffitch
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