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[Csnd] GUI tools for synth

Date2008-07-25 02:09
Frommark jamerson
Subject[Csnd] GUI tools for synth

    I been building a synth in csound that utilizes an FLTK gui for real-time operation; patch changes, envelope adjustment, etc.  So far I have been happy with it, but I think I am starting to grow beyond the capabilities(and bugs) of the FLTK widgets. I am wondering what GUI tool kits might be capable of providing me with the tools I need to control my synth; sliders, knobs, voice/patch selection, and possibly setting recall.  So far, I have glanced at Tcl/Tk and wxwidgets, but I'm having trouble finding information pertaining to this sort of application that is not inundated with more general/complex info.  Any suggestions are welcomed. Also note that I am using windows.  Thanks. 



Date2008-07-25 02:18
From"Brad Fuller"
Subject[Csnd] Re: GUI tools for synth

Date2008-07-25 04:02
From"Steven Yi"
Subject[Csnd] Re: GUI tools for synth

Date2008-07-25 09:19
FromRory Walsh
Subject[Csnd] Re: GUI tools for synth
I use wxWidgets all the time for this type of thing and so far I haven't 
had any problems. You could also try juce.


mark jamerson wrote:
>  Hey, 
>     I been building a synth in csound that utilizes an FLTK gui for real-time operation; patch changes, envelope adjustment, etc.  So far I have been happy with it, but I think I am starting to grow beyond the capabilities(and bugs) of the FLTK widgets. I am wondering what GUI tool kits might be capable of providing me with the tools I need to control my synth; sliders, knobs, voice/patch selection, and possibly setting recall.  So far, I have glanced at Tcl/Tk and wxwidgets, but I'm having trouble finding information pertaining to this sort of application that is not inundated with more general/complex info.  Any suggestions are welcomed. Also note that I am using windows.  Thanks. 
>                                    Mark 
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Date2008-07-25 13:53
From"Andres Cabrera"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: GUI tools for synth
AttachmentsNone  None  

Date2008-07-25 16:36
From"Hector Centeno"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: GUI tools for synth

Date2008-07-25 17:12
From"Steven Yi"
Subject[Csnd] Re: Re: Re: GUI tools for synth